Thing I wrote for the contest thing

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"Life." He sat down next to me in the grass and sighed. I wasn't curious as to what he meant by that; we have these conversations all the time. He looked at me, and I looked back at him. "Life:the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death." He smiled slightly. "I like how that is now the first thing that you say when we talk about this." I nodded in response. Neither of us know why we discuss life; it just seemed to happen one day. He had just sat down, looked in my direction, and started talking about life and what the purpose of life was. "Do you want to know anything today?" "How's home life?" "Home life is good." He smiled.  He likes to know about these things before we continue our conversations. "How is home life for you?" "Could be better." I frowned. "Do you want to talk about it?" I always ask him, even though I already know his answer. "No." "Okay." "Why do people see things in color?" This was a new question.  He  doesn't usually ask questions like this one. "It has something to do with our eyes, and our brains." "But some people can't see in color." I sighed. "I know." "Have you ever thought that maybe if we didn't do a certain thing that we did, then maybe we wouldn't be talking right now?" I looked at him and thought for a moment. "Maybe. I always wonder about that kind of stuff. Everything that happens to us is based off of  the choices that we make, so if a kid decides that he wants totake the long way home instead of taking the short-cut through the park one day, he could miss finding a five dollar bill that could later help him buy a new video game-" "I don't understand." "Well you see-" "No, I understand that, I mean I don't understand our existence. Why were we put here?" "Well some people believe that God put us here, that he chooses our lives for us before we are even born." He fumbled with his hands for a moment. "But it has to be more than that. There has to be a reason as to why we are put here. I mean, planning someone's life for them is one thing, but what about their purpose. Surely their purpose isn't to just breathe in the air around them." There was a moment of silence after he finished speaking. "That is for the person to find out," I replied. "But it's like you said, if the boy takes the longer path home, doesn't find the five dollar bill, and doesn't get the money to get the video game, then what happens? The video game would have some impact on him. Maybe he meets new people because of it, maybe he realizes that video games aren't really that cool, and he gets into art or reading. I don't know; am I even making sense?" "Yes, but what if in the end, the video game never really mattered anyway. I mean the game never has to have any sort of significance in his life." "But it will, because he bought the game, and he played it instead of doing something else." "You are making this too complicated." He laughed. "Should we talk about something simple?" I smiled. "Sure." "How about the weather?" "It's supposed to rain later." "Is it cloudy right now?" "No the sun is out." His expression fell slightly. "What are you thinking about?" I put my hand on his shoulder. "You never seem to ask why I want to talk about things like life and the weather, why is that?" "Is that really what you're thinking?" He shook his head. "But you really want to know?" He nodded. I knew the answer to his question. To me the answer was obvious. You see, the reason he always asks questions about life and the weather and everything else in between is because he can't see life the way that I do. He can't see the clouds in the sky that indicate the oncoming rain, he can't see the five dollar bill on the ground that could help him buy a video game. He wouldn't even be able to see the video game. He relies on my explanations and our conversations to be able to at least understand what is going on around him. Obviously the things we talk about have more of a meaning than just understanding what things look like around him, but I feel like he believes that once he fully understands life, he will no longer need to talk about it. He can have his own visions in his mind, even if they are in just black. I think that he has a special mind, and a special way of thinking about things. He can go into great detail about ideas because he understands them, and I think that is all he needs. He once told me that it would be nice if everyone could think more and see less, just like he does, even though he doesn't have a choice. Life isn't completely about how we physically see things, it's also about how we think of things.

Hey this is just something that I wrote for this art/writing contest that was going on where I live. I was really proud of it and it got first and I just wanted to share it with you guys! Hope you liked it and sorry it isn't Jercy...

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