Chapter 07: The Killing

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Chapter 07

The Killing

Las Vegas was big, bright, and loud, and Alex and Nick found that out on their first day at Yobi Tech. They were hired for programming the newest computers with the basic functions. Their boss, a man named Neil Gordon, was very strict and punctual, so Alex and Nick didn't show up late. "Hey, isn't that the man that was watching you in Houston?" asked Nick as he pointed at someone walking toward Neil's office. Alex looked over and said,"Yeah it is! What's he doin here?"

Professor Wesley Kropp was nervous, but his anger was motivation enough. Those boys from the gas station were here, and one of them had pointed at him, but he wasn't going to let that stop him. He walked right past them without giving them a glance and went straight into Neil Gordon's office. "Yes, can I help you?" asked Neil. "Yes you may. My name is Wesley Kropp. We talked on the phone concerning this, my Quantum Time Brake," Kropp showed him the device, which was on his arm. Neil gave a smirk and donned a condescending tone,"Oh, Professor Kropp, the false call about inventing a device that could slow down time itself. I know that foreclosures can be tough, but seriously, you shouldn't make up unfathomable devices just for a joke." "It wasn't a joke, and this is what you get when you refuse me." Professor Wesley Kropp then activated the device and moved in on a shocked Neil Gordon. He didn't have a chance to scream.

"So that's what happened to you, and again, I'm sorry I couldn't stop it," Beatrice Gorge was in Officer Leonard Thorne's living room and had just finished explaining to him what the stereroid was. "Huh, I thought it was something like that, but I guess I never put them together," said Thorne. "Anyway, have you seen the paper recently, about the mirror factory that burned down in Alabama?" "Yes, what about it?" "Well, I was in Houston yesterday, and check out what I found." She pulled out her phone and showed him a picture taken from behind a gas station in Houston, Texas. It was a picture of a young man, but his fist was clenched, and around it was what seemed like a blade of light. "His name is Alex Everett and he's traveling to Las Vegas with a friend named Nick Armoth." "How do you know their names?" asked Leonard. Beatrice looked at him and hesitated before she said,"Nick is my brother."

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