Chapter Two

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I was stunned. I didn't think I'd have too see Zach Mitchell again until the fall. Even then it would just be passing him in the hallway or seeing him hanging out with a bunch of people I didn't know.

After what he did I vowed never to speak to him again.

Claire was visibly panicked, her eyes were wide as she looked at her nephew, "Zach! You're early! Way too early."

My head whipped to the side to look at Claire, "You mean you knew he was coming?! Why didn't you say anything so I could've left!"

"That's the thing; I knew if I told you he was coming to the office, let alone to Isla Nublar, you never would've shown up today." Claire's eyes were still wide as she looked back and forth between Zach and I.

"Well you were right because I am definitely not going anymore." I said while crossing my arms.

"Dani please, we need you, Blue needs you." Claire pleaded.

I couldn't even look at Zach anymore, "Why does he even need to come to the island anyway? He doesn't know a thing about dinosaurs!"

Zach let out a loud breath through his nostrils.

"Well considering he's top of his class in computer science at college I thought he could assist Franklin on the trip." Claire blurted out while trying to sound hopeful.

I didn't know how to respond so I just glared at Franklin instead.

This caused Franklin to jump out of his chair and run over to where Claire and I were standing, "Okay Dani, first of all, I had no knowledge of this and second of all, I have to go to the freaking island?!"

"Yes! You're the systems analyst, we need you to hack into the system to track dinosaurs, open doors, close doors, that sort of thing." Claire beamed.

Why is she so excited? Literally nobody else is excited right now.

I'm staring wide eyed at Zia hoping that she will walk over and rescue me from this painful situation while Franklin has started to hyperventilate.

"HOLY SHIT!" Zia suddenly exclaims.

Almost everyone in the office is now looking at her.

She looks back and forth between Zach and I a couple of times and a look of realization dawns on her face, "That's Zach!? THE ZACH! as in totally hot but totally an asshole Zach?!"

Nice Zia. Real nice. Smooth.

Everyone in the office looks uncomfortable and pretends to go back to whatever they were doing.

I chance a quick look at Zach and he has that stupid smug grin plastered on his face. When he notices me looking at him he just raises an eyebrow. A stupid smug eyebrow.

I roll my eyes and make a break for the bathroom. As I'm running I can hear Claire and Zia hot on my tail.

This is so not how I expected my morning to go.

After having several mental breakdowns in the bathroom while Zia apologized for embarrassing me and Claire apologized for not telling me about Zach, I came to the conclusion that I would still go on the rescue mission. Even though I'm low-key still mad at her right now, Claire was right. I have to help save Blue.

The flight for Isla Nublar leaves tomorrow morning so Claire has given us the rest of the day off so we can prepare, pack or do whatever we need to do.

Zia and I decided to get coffee because I want to steer clear of home for awhile in case Claire is there trying to convince Owen to come on the mission; that is an argument I do not want to be a part of.

Inevitable // Zach Mitchell // [2]Where stories live. Discover now