Chapter 14: Reunion

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I turned around, slowly, to see Death standing in the corner of the room. His scythe was still out, poised for attack.

"Why'd you run?" he asked. "I'd appreciate it if you don't do it again. I have places to be and I can't afford to chase you."

I ignored his question, hoping to reason with him instead. "Whatever the other ghosts did to piss you off, I didn't do it. So there's no reason for you to attack me too."

"Are you talking to Death?" Nina whispered, getting to her feet to stand next to me. "Is he here?"

I nodded, although slightly confused why she couldn't see him too. Maybe that was one of his abilities - hiding from psychics.

"Then come with me peacefully," he said, lowering the weapon. "I'll show you everything you wish to know."

"What's he saying?" Nina's whispering was getting harsher, and definitely not quiet enough for Death to not be able to hear.

I glanced at her. "He wants me to go with him, to where he took the rest of the ghosts."

She sighed and glanced at her watch. "It's barely been thirty seconds. I can use the rest of the time to figure out how to actually wake you up, if you want to go?"

Barely thirty seconds? I guess she had been right about time being different on this side of things. But even with the slowed-down time, I didn't have any to spare to think about that. Nina had asked me a question.

I shook my head in response, turning my gaze onto my body. It was weird looking down on myself like this. I looked peaceful, if that was possible. There was no fear, no pain, no guilt. Was that why Travis always tells me he loves watching me when I'm asleep?

"If I go, I don't know if I'll be able to come back from there," I said quietly, "even with your help."

"Oh, Dylan..." Death interjected. "You're coming with me no matter what. Either you come willingly or I force you."

I sighed. "I don't have a choice. Please tell Travis how much I love him and that I didn't want to leave him. But I have to do this." It was the only way, unless I wanted to fight Death. I knew enough to know that I'd never be able to win that fight.

She nodded, understanding. "I'll bring you back, Dylan. I will."

"Optimism..." Death said, rolling the handle of the scythe in his hands. "I hate it. Let's go, Dylan Fletcher, unless you'd rather do it the difficult way."

I nodded reluctantly. "Yeah, I'm coming."

Death reached out his hand, inviting me to take it. With a step forward, I grabbed his icy cold hand with mine. In that second, the room disappeared and I found myself somewhere outside, Death nowhere to be seen.

Looking around, I could see people - ghosts. They were standing in groups of about twenty or thirty, each group surrounded by a fence. The fences weren't any more than a simple wooden front-yard-style fence, but none of the ghosts seemed to be able to get past them, although most seemed to have given up trying. There were a couple ghosts kicking the posts or hitting the fences with their hands, to no avail.

I was also standing within a fenced-off area, with other ghosts. I needed to get out of here, to find Death. This fence was the only thing standing in my way right now.

I took a couple steps forward, until I was right in front of the fence. Maybe if I could climb over it or-


I turned around, coming face-to-face with my grandmother. "Grandma," I sighed in relief. "You're okay. I've been so worried about you and Jenny."

"You shouldn't be here," she said sternly. "You were supposed to live a long and happy life. What did you do? Oh, your poor mother!"

"No, no, no! I'm fine. I'm not staying like this. I'm here to get you all out."

She shook her head. "There's no way out, Dylan. Death is too powerful. He makes the rules and we must follow them."

I shook my head. I didn't have enough time to get her to understand. "Where's Jenny? Have you seen her? Is she okay?"

Instead of answering me, Grandma looked past me, over to the corner. Following her gaze, I saw Jenny huddled on the ground. Her knees were to her chest and her head was down. But she was alive - well, dead, but not double dead.

I ran over to her, kneeing on the ground next to her. "Jenny?" I asked softly.

She raised her head to look at me, a gash on her forehead from where she must have been hit with Death's scythe. I've never seen her look so defeated before. It was heartbreaking.

"Please tell me you're not actually here," she whispered. "Mom's gonna kill you for dying on her too."

"Don't worry. I'm not dead yet."

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Then... why are you here?"

I smiled. "You asked for my help, remember? Now I'm going to need your help to get everyone out of here. So... what do you say, sis?" I offered my hand, hoping she'd accept. I needed someone on my side - someone who's been here longer than I have - otherwise I'd never accomplish this.

She didn't hesitate to grab my outstretched hand. For a second, I had forgotten that I was technically a ghost too, so I could actually touch her. The feeling was one I never expected to feel again.

"Let's break out of ghost jail," Jenny said, a smile lighting up her face.

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