Special: HoneyxHoney Drops Crossover

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There are several differences in this special. One being that Sachi is not allergic to cats. See if you can spot them all! :3

I feel I should probably explain things. This is a HoneyxHoney drops special, so for those of you who have not read that manga, I'll explain the 'Honey system'.

Basically, the school is divided into two groups in each year, the upper and lower classmen. Upperclassmen get to choose someone to be their 'Honey' from the lowerclassmen. This person either agrees or has to drop out of the school. If they agree they become a servant to the other person and get all of their tuition fees paid to attend school. I really love this manga. It's a bit unrealistic, but it's cute. So yeah. I'm gonna put poor old Sachi into this situation, and you can probably guess who her Master is! XD

Also, I figured that Naruto and Sachi probably would never have made friends if it weren't for the whole Squad Seven thing. So yeah, they aren't really close in this.

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"Sachiiii, wake uuuup!" I groaned at the sound of curtains being pulled open, and rolled under my duvet, folding into a little ball. I was nudged several times, and grunted, batting at my idiot big brother. He scooped me up, covers and all. I squealed.

"Get dressed Imouto, or I'm going to dump you in the shower and run the water on your head." Ihaku said, and I scowled sleepily at him, "You've got half an hour or I'm leaving without you."

"Aaaaggghhh..." I growled, pushing the strands of blonde back out of my eyes as he set me on my feet, "I gotta feed Iza and Nami first..."

Iza and Nami were my twin cats. Iza was a bit of a prissy diva and was always trying to scratch me. Nami was really mellow and ate alot. They were more or less polar opposites, except both had the same coal black fur and bright green eyes.

I slumped downstairs and poured out some cat bisuits into each of their bowls. I yelped; Iza had clawed at me and left a long red slash along the back of my hand. I glared at her, and I could have sworn she smiled. Evil little cat.

Nami just trotted over and started crunching away at her breakfast. My stomach growled, and I wiped off the blood and started on my morning routine.

When I got to school, my cut had stopped bleeding. My Mom had cleaned it up for me, but we didn't have any plasters or bandages so it would remain out in the open. I waved goodbye to Ihaku as he greeted Temari and went inside. Ihaku was carrying Temari's books, while she slung her arm happily round his shoulders. I couldn't feel sorry for him, because I went through the same thing. The Asuka family were renowned as being good Honeys for the upperclassmen. It was degrading and stressful, but we got by. Plus, it meant that our family got their tuition fees paid by the rich kids that were our Masters. Even so, we didn't really have a choice. If we refused to be someone's honey then we'd have to drop out of school.

I sighed heavily. That bloody Uchiha was always making me wait. And it was cold today. I didn't have a coat, either, because money was tight at the moment. Dad was only a small town carpenter, making furniture and stuff, and my Mom worked in a small café that was down the road from our house.

"Hey, Sachi-san!" I looked up and smiled weakly at the sight of Kaoru (she returns!!! Only those of you who have read my Itachi fic will understand this), my Master's brother's honey. She was in the top year at school alongside Itachi (the elder Uchiha brother) and was one of the many in a Honey and Master relationship that developed into something more.

"Heya Kaoru-chan." I said, sticking my hands in my pockets, "Just got here?"

"Yeah. They should be here soon, Itachi-kun just texted me saying they're just down the road." I twitched slightly. That baka Sasuke could do the same for me. He had my phone number. And if he texted me when he was almost here I wouldn't have to wait outside in the cold. I hated these rich bastards.

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