Chapter Five- Douche Wars!

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I just re read Book one, and you know what? The Uchiha spanking part (chapter six) still cracks me up. I'm such a child. XD

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"Did you really think I wouldn't recognise you?" he asked, looking directly at me. I shivered. I had forgotten how piercing those sharingan eyes could be.

I fought to calm my thudding heart, an array of different emotions throbbing in my stomach. I told myself that the most prominent was hatred.

My eyes narrowed to a glare as he showed no signs of leaving me alone. His smirk made it harder to control Izanami, "Other than your hair colour and height, you really haven't changed at all."

I turned my back to him furiously, trying desperately to blot out his words. Perhaps, if I told myself that he was just a figment of my imagination, he really would disappear. Not only from this room, but from this planet, this life. I couldn't even stand to exist at the same time as him. I crossed my arms tightly, digging my fingers into my flesh. He gave an annoyed grunt, and I felt his arm reach toward me. I span and hit him away, furious.

"Don't you touch me!" I shouted, then slammed my mouth shut, eyes flared. I turned my back to him once more, "A disgusting bastard like you, I don't want you anywhere near me."

There was silence as he processed my words, then the grinding of teeth. He slammed the door behind him as he left. I dropped down on the bed, burying my face in the strange smelling pillow as I tried to figure out a way to sneak out of here.

I sat up and pulled in a deep breath, blotting out everything but the hate I felt deep in my stomach. He didn't deserve anything else.

Finally calmed, I surveyed my surroundings carefully, analysing for any weak points or possible escape routes. It was a simple room, just four rock walls and a bed, no determined points of weakness in the structure except for the door, and even that had a weird seal on it that I couldn't guarantee wouldn't blow up in my face if I attempted exit. I wasn't willing to take that risk.

I stood up and paced, pulse finally calm again after my encounter. My throat was no longer tight with the violent need that I placed as bloodlust, and I could breathe again. I scratched the back of my head in thought, and brushed my hand over the wall. I shuddered, then smiled strangely. My hand closed into a tight fist and jerked quickly away from the wall. The rock exploded.

I blinked. A sheet of metal that had been behind it was now forming a jagged opening through the hole. I hadn't expected it to work. My newfound ability seemed to switch on and off. I'd have to ask the Hokage about it when I got back to Konoha... because I would get back. No one here could stop me. I'd kill anyone that got in my way-

I stopped myself. Why was I suddenly thinking like this? There was only one person I wanted to kill. No one else. I was not going to start killing people needlessly.

But if they were preventing my escape, there would be a need- no.

Trying to push away the disturbing inner turmoil, I stepped through the gap. I probably should have been hurrying through the halls, but I was feeling lazy, so meandered calmly along. For some reason, I felt confident. It was, when I thought back over it, kind of worrying. I usually would be freaking out in this situation.

But I felt calm. I had come face to face with that person, and I was still me. Izanami hadn't broken out and went on a rampage. I was still sane.

Perhaps my control over her was better than I thought.

My eyes narrowed as I found myself in a weird dark room, tubes containing weird, unidentified liquids looping along the ceiling. Out of curiosity, I traced them with my eyes, leading them back to the point at with they converged... to squeal suddenly. They led to a giant glowing tank... with a guy inside it!! A naked guy! Just floating there, all relaxed!!

Tomorrow Blossom (Sasuke Uchiha) - Book Two - I Don't Love YouWhere stories live. Discover now