Chapter 2 - Cell Bound

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Unedited. Chapters will be edited later on 🙂


      "Move it, inmate!" The blonde guard barks while shoving me from behind, insisting I move forward faster.

      There's a male guard on either side of me, grasping my arms tightly in their hands, as well as the one following closely behind. The seemingly endless hallway they're leading me down is brightly lit, smelling of blandness and lost hope. I'm assuming it leads to an office, which strikes anxiety inside of me. My heart pounds against the confines of my already heaving chest, trying to break free. I can't blame it. I'm feeling the urge to break free too, but I know that's not possible. Just like my heart, I'm trapped with no way out.

As the guards tug me forward, the cuffs aggressively bite into my flesh, noticeably rubbing them raw to the point where it feels like they might bleed. I wince at the gnawing irritation, but I don't say a word. They're already being rough enough as it is, I don't want to give them a reason by getting on their bad side.

      I'm trapped. I can't go anywhere. This hellhole is my home for the next 5 years, I think to myself, inwardly groaning in frustration.

      I tremble at the thought, my heart filling with dread as we approach a single door, opening it and walking inside. My head fills with thoughts of the horrors that will take place, and I shudder. I've been around dangerous people before, but never locked up in a building to live and coexist with them everyday for years.

Shit, shit, shit! I can't do this. I hesitate for a moment, gaining me some unpleased glares from the tools around me.

"Move it!" A guard snaps and shoves me again, causing me to stumble slightly against the shackles around my ankles.

The lady at the desk glances up from her computer and gives me a somewhat sympathetic look before drawing her attention to the men around me.

      "We have a new arrival here to see the Warden," the man to my right states rudely. "He in his office?" He gestures towards the door to our right with a toss of his hand.

      "He's just in a conference call right now. It shouldn't take much longer," the secretary woman smiles professionally, her eyes crinkling at the outer corners, her brown hair pulled up in a delicate bun atop her head.

      The black haired guard grunts in response, clearly not wanting to spend his time escorting me around. I guess he better suck it up, because this is his job, and being a snob isn't going to get him anywhere.

      This is a hard, draining day for me, and I can't contain my nerves anymore. I'm a trembling, sweating, internally screaming mess. On the other side of that door is the person responsible for my life now. I shudder to think, the Warden, whose invitation for a chat has officially churned the pit of my empty stomach to the point that a copious dose of gastric acid spins out to further fuel my severe uneasiness. Heat and cold rushes around and through my body like contestants in a game of musical chairs waiting for the music to stop. I can't stand the tension.

      We wait patiently until the red light on the phone disappears, signalling that a call on that line has ended. The secretary picks up the phone and dials a number, obviously to the Warden's office, and she quickly informs him of our arrival. The call soon ends with her heavily sighing.

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