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Alexander POV
September 1st, I walked into a seven eleven with the only idea on my mind was ice cream, and it wasn't for the fact I just broken up with Thomas Jefferson don't be silly.

I marched inside popping in headphones on my ears ignoring the sounds of the cash register and the refrigerator settling, I speed walked to the ice cream isle.

"Ben and Jerry's" I whispered to myself trying to find mint chocolate ice cream when I found it I took about 4 Tubs, dont judge me I'm heart broken.

I walked to the other isle trying to find some chips when I noticed a Afro walk inside the isle in front of me "Thomas" I muttered under my breath hoping he wouldn't hear me, I haven't spoken to him in a whole week.

I shuffled over to the candy isle I couldn't face him for what he did I mean seriously? Cheating on me with Madison!

I pretended to look at some Hershey's acting as if I were going to buy them I peeked up to see a smaller boy next to me picking up various candies he seemed my age, I flashed him a smile which he shyly returned pulling his hoodie on from embarrassment.

How cute was he with his chocolate curls and deep green eyes his freckles splattered all over his face looking like the universe himself if I wasn't so deeply in love with Thomas I would ask him out but I'm in no place for a relationship.

Speaking of relationships my ex was heading to the candy isle and I had to act fast, so I did something that felt normal at the moment.

I pulled the boy to the end of the isle being gentle and whispering in his ear as I wrapped my arms around him "act natural my ex boyfriend is there and I want to make him jealous, you down?" I asked not wanting to frighten the younger boy.

He shivered when my mouth came in contact with his ear, he nodded quickly not speaking a word, I pulled in kissing him and making sure not to be anything but gentle with the small boy.

I peeped in eye open when we disconnected he boy was a blushing mess touching his lips, I looked at Thomas who was the opposite a flaming angry mess.

I smirked to myself as I quickly payed my items and walked back to the boy "sorry Curly if that made you uncomfortable the Afro headed was my ex wanted to make him jealous before school started"

The boy nodded when I began to turn around he quickly yelled out  dropping his Twix's "w-wait what's your n-name?" He asked tripping over his words.

I turned around sending the most genuine smile I could muster since the break up with Jefferson
"Alexander Hamilton" I confirmed watching Thomas eyes burst threw the small boys green eyes.

And with that I walked down the isle exiting the store thinking that would be my last time encountering the small curly boy with green eyes.

Johns POV
Ah Alexander Hamilton..
"W-wait what's your n-name?"
God John you could have asked in any other way!

I bent down to pick up the Twix that I had dropped when I looked up and saw the familiar curly head Alexander was talking about. His ex.

I scratched my head slowly not trying to make eye contact. I start walking away when he grabbed my shirt by the collar and threw me up against the nearby shelf.

"Listen up short stuff." He started looking at me up and down.
I stared up as I realized this man was literally 10ft taller than me.
"You leave my Alexander alone understand?" He asked.

I shook my head.
"W-what if I don't?"
I stuttered trying to be confident but as the height difference no confidence was shown only stupidity.

"I'll make your life a living hell." He whispered into my ear. I shuddered as he let go of the grasp he had on my shirt he ran out of the isle and second after I heard the 7/11 door slam shut as I rushed to the counter to purchase all of the candy in my hands.

Staying away from Alexander might be the simplest request ever.. I hardly know him and I highly doubt I'll ever see him again.

Time skip...

"Okayyy!! Johnny just moved in and now he found a sugar daddy!!" Charles Lee shouts through my laptop.

Since I moved from South Carolina I Skype my best friends everyday.
Charles Lee, Samuel Seabury, Martha Mannings and Francis Kinloch.

I slowly took a bite of my Twix bar and scratched my head.
"I.. wouldn't say that.. I was just helping him." I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought of Alexander.
Martha smirked.

"Awesome. Wow." Francis stated with full sarcasm even a baby would understand how sarcastic his tone was. Mind you babies can't even say sarcasm.

"Hey.. you okay Franny?" Martha asked Francis, seeing as he is quieter and ruder that usual.
"Just great." He crosses his arms rolling his eyes.

"Doesn't sound like it.." Samuel added. I shook my head realizing the time 11:57.
"Hey guys.. Um... I kinda have school tomorrow.."

"WHATTT!!" Samuel shouted throwing his book somewhere.
"NOOOOOO!!!" Charles yelled slamming his arms on his bed.
"DON'T LEAVE US ALONE MAN!!" Martha screamed from what it looked like she was shaking her computer screen. Probably wanting to shake my shoulders.
I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Have to.. Good night guys." With that I shut my laptop laying on my back. With Alexander just flowing in my mind. Why is that boy flooding my brain?

Without answering the question.. I drifted off to sleep.

A/N- Woahhh another book on my page? but even better a collaboration with one of my favorite writer friends! You guys aren't ready for this..-Cris💕💫

Why hello there😭
Can't believe we are collaborating on dis book together hope you guys like it
Bunny out🐰💨

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