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Alexander's POV
After leaving Peggy's house I noticed how hungry I was and didn't really what to tell her so I made a quick stop at the 7/11 near my home i didn't want to bother my mom with cooking.

I walked in hearing the bell ring in the door sending me waves of happiness this 7/11 was were I grew up honestly.

I walked in going inside the isles picking out things and constantly calculating in my brain if I could afford it luckily I could afford everything I picked up.

I walked up to the cash register flashing a smile to the girl who was packing all my things in a black bag I handed her a 20 and took my bag stuffing it in my backpack walking out hearing the bell jingle once again.

I walked down the sidewalk looking on my phone I felt a force push me down of the floor must have been a person.

I looked up to see Thomas Jefferson holding his hand out for me to grab while speaking I lit my phone in my pocket "oh, I'm so sorry" he apologized.

"It's fine" I growled swatting his hand away and standing up by myself without any of his shitty help.

"Awwe Lexi are you still mad~" he cooed causing me to roll my eyes trying to walk away but him blocking my path.

"Yes! Leave me the fuck alone Thomas"
It was his turn to roll his eyes now.

"Look I didn't cheat on you" he said putting on a sympathetic face trying to make me believe him, he's so full of bullshit!

"I love you," He said taking both my hands in his large ones, "Why would I ruin a relationship as great as ours was?" He said making my heart leap with excitement.

No Alex don't listen to him he's playing with your feelings again! Do not trust him at all!

"Cause your a dick always has always will be" I shot "but you love my dick" he half teased holding my hands harder

"Goodbye Thomas" I said in a harsh but soft voice I wasn't in the mood to argue with him, I wasn't even over him completely.

I began to walk away but felt him grab my wrist spinning me around towards him "Alex stop trying to walk away from us" he said pointing between me and him.

"From us? we aren't together Thomas..." I said almost sad "so? Your still mine" he said in a duh voice.

"No I'm not!" I said flinching my hands away from his while scoffing he doesn't own me I'm not his!

Thomas grew angry "Fine I don't need you I have Madison and John" he said beginning to walk to the store I followed him.

"John?!" I shouted defensive turning Thomas around forcefully for him to face me again.

He turned around tapping his foot on the cold sidewalk outside the store "yup, he's in my house right now" he said curling his lips into a evil grin he looked at his watch seeing it was late.

I felt my blood boil why the hell would John be in Thomas's house this late? I thought he was different than the others!

I angrily grabbed Thomas's white collar slamming him against the stores outside wall "you stay the fuck away from him, you hear me!" I said grinding my teeth together.

Jefferson's eyes widened at my outburst he knew I was a angry person but I never showed this side to him "and if I don't?" He asked almost unfazed by my anger.

"I think you know by now.. what I'm capable of.." I trailed off staring at Jefferson's lips than his face thinking about the things I did to poor John Adams.

Jefferson looked at me staring almost in lust he stared at my lips than me almost like he was deep in thought "sure" he said simply pushing me off of him.

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