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Alexander POV
September 2nd at 8:20 I walked on school campus feeling the air get knocked out of me "here we go the first day of school" I muttered to myself.

I mean did you really expect me to go to school early? I was up all night watching romcoms and crying in my mint chocolate.

If I'm honest I've never been so heart broken before, but that's what love does to you right?

I walked inside the school gates climbing the stairs feeling old vibes rush through my body "ALEXANDER" I heard a out of breath voice scream from behind me.

I sighed and took off my backpack already knowing what was coming next, I felt a skinny figure jump on me "I've missed you so much".

I smiled "I've missed you too lizard but I saw you just a few days ago" she jumped off pouting "that's not enough" she crossed her arms and walked up the stairs alongside me.

When we reached the school doors I stopped walking "what's wrong lex?" She asked worried I looked right at Thomas, how amazing.

Eliza looked at Thomas and me finally getting it she nodded and walked back to me whispering in my ear "let's go around" she pointed backwards

I nodded taking her hand going to the back of the school, when we made it we entered going through the gym and into the hallways, the opposite side of were Jefferson was.

"Thanks Eliza, I didn't think I could face him" she nodded understanding she quickly took out her schedule "I have Modern literature and than geometry" .

I took out my schedule comparing it with Eliza's "ah we don't have the same morning classes but we have the same lunch and biology and photography!" Alexander said trying to cheer things up.

Eliza sent him a smile "I should get to my locker its over there" she pointed to the end of the hall" he nodded understandably why she was saying bye, no way in hell would he pass by Thomas Jefferson.

They went there separate ways he walked to his locker "1776" he mumbled opening it up dumping his books and taking out his essentials.

When he felt someone slam his locker shut "you ass I could have broken my hand" he screamed out preparing to smack a bitch.

"Yeah whatever" he heard a familiar voice say he looked up wide eyes "Thomas.." he spoke shakily and uneven tugging on his jumper.

"What was that last night" Thomas spoke coldly towering over Alexander.

"What are you t-talking about" Alex played dumb clutching to his books, Thomas rolled his eyes "Your still mine, don't play yourself Lexi" Thomas commented walking away leaving Alexander shivering.

Alexander ran down the hall making it to his first class, He had to be carful with Thomas.

Johns POV

It's okay John.. First day of sophomore year, what could go wrong?
I walk out of the bus and take a good look at the school I'm going to for 3 years.

Bad chills started overflowing my brain but I pushed those thoughts away.
I walk in the open doors at 8:35 I'm probably late. But hey I took the wrong bus..

Once I took the first step everyone in the hallways turned around.
Distant whispers surrounding me. I kept walking trying to avoid all the attention. But it was just overwhelming.

I pulled my hoodie over my head just behind my tight bun.
That just made all of the whispers turn into straight
I look over to see a girl with a giant red scarf and nudeish jumper, she wasn't really reacting just reading a book on the floor.

I stopped in front of her, she looked up and her cheeks turned red immediately.

"S-Sorry to bother.. Would you mind showing me where the office is.?" I asked knowing that if I tried to find it on my own I would just get lost again.
Nearly everyone around me shouted and raised their hands.

"I can show you!"
"Pick me cutie!"
The girl shook her head and stood up.
"T-T-This way.." she said pointing left and started walking.

I followed her as everyone who volunteered frowned behind me.
"I'd turn Gay for him.."
"I'd turn straight for him.."
"He's making me question my sexuality.."
I heard people say to each other but I decided to shrug it off. The girl left me In front of the office door, before I could ask for her name she ran off.
I opened the door to see a teacher on the front desk.

"I'm.. John Laurens, new student from South Carolina.."
The man nodded and spoke into.. a phone.?

"Margarita Schuyler please report to the main office." They pointed to the nearest seat. When minutes later a girl in a tight curled pony tail with a yellow shirt and denim jeans. Once she opened the door she dropped all of her books.

"I-I'm here!" She shouted in between breaths.
The man pointed at me. She took a good look at me before shaking her head and sticking out her hand.
"I'm Margarita Schuyler but please call me Peggy." I nodded shaking her hand.
"I'll be your tour guide." She said picking up all of her books from the floor.

"I'm John Laurens."
"Well then John.. Lets get this tour started!"

A/N: wussup this book is really fun to write so more chapters will get posted frequently !- Cris💞💫

Well.. me and @Aestheticris literally talked through dialogue for things ahead in the story LMFOA hope you guys like it because we are having so much fun writing❤️
Bunny out🐰💨

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