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Third person POV
He could have suspended me, he could have don't anything else but in school detention, cleaning the basement all day for a week is torture.

John thought slapping himself on the forehead for the fifth time today as he moved a box

"Alexander could you move that trophy box?" Thomas asked as Alexander gave him a face "Nah I'm good" he said making Thomas clench his jaw "just move the fucking box dude".

John rolled his eyes trying to ignore "Move the box Alex" Thomas said getting  annoyed "I don't take orders from you!" He yelled.

"Can you guys please be quiet?" John rolled his eyes giving the two boys stares, They ignored him continuing to argue "god I can't believe I dated you!" Thomas said making Alexander's blood boil "I CANT BELIEVE I DIDNT KILL YOU IN THOSE 9 MONTHS".

"I WONDER THAT TOO!" Alex groaned wanting so badly to punch him in the face again, John rolled his eyes grabbing his duster as walking to another part of the basement.

Alex got up following him not being able to be near Jefferson any longer "Hey" He said standing in front of John who was moving a box.

"Hi.?" John asked looking at Alex trying to keep his composure "I'm sorry you got dragged into this mess..." he said looking down feeling guilty.

"It's o-okay..." He slightly stuttered as he tried to carry a box to the top shelf Alexander helped him pushing the box up his hands over John as they were oddly closed to each other.

"T-Thanks.." John smiled looking up at Alex hopefully his cheeks aren't red, "No problem" Alex smiled at John removing his hands away from the box.

John felt his cheeks heat up, he tried being subtle tucking a strand of hair behind his ear as he started organizing a shelf, Alexander noticed how nervous and on edge John was so he decided to help him instead, anything's better than being near Jefferson right now.

"Y-You know, if you wanted to get away from Jefferson you could have went the other way.." John mumbled, "But I wanted to come this way, to be next to you" he replied taking the box of Of Johns hand letting his hands slip on his for a second.

John flustered red at the comment flinching his hands a little bit Alex's slip, Alex smirked putting the box on the shelve as he walked back to John who was processing.

John was slightly trembling, why did Alex have to make him so nervous? Alexander walked back to John not knowing exactly what to say, he did have an urge to kiss him again to feel his pink lips on his own.

John looked up at Alex meeting his eyes innocently, John tried to look away from the eye contact, Alex placed his hand under his chin smiling so he could see his beautiful green eyes, but than Thomas interrupted "c'mon boys your gotta move boxes!".

John immediately flinched back scratching his head "Y'all barley moves anything c'mon" Thomas said making Alex roll his eyes the 100th time that moment.

"I've move more than both of you combined.." John said playfully crossing his arms, Alex chuckled "to be continued" he winked picking up a box and walking off.

John smiled picking up more boxes "What'd I miss?" John said leaning on a box as he looked at John narrowing his eyes "Uh n-nothing.." John scratched his head.

"That's a lie princess" he smirked John rolled his eyes going back to his organization.

"So I was wondering-" Thomas said following John around while carrying some old books "if you'd want to hangout in Saturday?" He asked.

"Uhm..." Thomas stood up in front of John almost leaning in "its a yes or no question" he said towering over him.

"I'll think about it.." He said slowly slipping away to another shelf Thomas eyes widened and than he smirked "he'll think about it?". He said watching John walked away admiring his back view.

Johns POV
"So yeah I have weeks detention with those two.." I fiddled with my fingers and the group was left with their mouths open.

"YOU TWO TIMING THEM JOHNATHAN!" Martha shouted from the screen.

"What?" I asked.
"Your leading Thomas on!" Samuel shouted.

"While liking Alexander!" Lee added.
"I'm still confused...?" I mumbled scratching the back of my head.
"Best friend..It's when you play two people.." Francis rolled his eyes.
"How?" I asked.

"Oh my gosh John.." Charles rolled his eyes.

"Listen.. It's clear Thomas and maybe Alex like you.. It seems like your leading Thomas on by saying you'll think about it.." Samuel said in a calm matter.

"I-I'm not trying to lead him on.. I just said I'll think about it..." I whispered.
"Yeah.. He's getting his hopes up thinking there's a chance you'd actually say yes.." Martha explained.

"Oh... Is it too late for me to say no..?" I asked.

"John I worry about you sometimes.." Francis mumbled scratching the back of his neck.

"Of course you have time to say no dumb bitch!" Martha shouted, I shook my head "but isn't that rude?"
"No! You said you'll think about it.. It's okay to say no.." Francis smiled.
"Woahh I didn't know I could do that.." I gushed.


"Okay.. Well I'm going to sleep.." Lee said nervously.

"Really? It's only 9.." I shrugged.
"We need to reflect on ours friends brain.." Francis joked.

"Aw man okay.." I laughed hanging up.
My friends always helped me with relationship advice, not sure but for some reason it never clicked in my head the actions that I do.

But could I really say no to Thomas?

A/N: so what y'all think? Johns a little confused with his emotions rn, make sure to vote you ghost readers!! - Cris 💗💫

Poor clueless Johnny..
Be sure to check out my new book
'Vegas' on my page
(Shameless self promo lol I'm going to leave now..)
Bunny out🐰💨

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