Part 12: Captured.

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"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." 

― Albert Einstein 


"You're mine do you get it?" He asked.

"Yes sir." I replied before I saw a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Mara's POV:

I blame Zara for what nearly happen last night. Last night is one of the wildest night I've ever endured before I stopped it by confessing that I wasn't ready.

For some obvious reason, I do not trust him. Not after I caught him lying to me when he called Ivan. I didn't know if I should trust Ivan either, considering the fact that he with no doubt helped Apollo with his ugly deeds.

That leads me here, barefoot on the grass, debating whether or not this is a good idea.

'Of course it isn't a good idea Mara, running away from our mate is never a good idea. Also, I'm blaming you for what did not happen last night.' Scoffed Zara. Sometimes I wonder why I got paired with such an concupiscent wolf.

I found myself nearly trusting him, before the call happened. I found the gesture of him feeding and taking care of me rather sweet.

I tried shifting but Zara really wasn't having any of this.

'Zara, shift. We need to go to the portal, now. Before Apollo wakes up.' I stated. Sometimes, I salute Zara's strength but today, I despise it.

'I'm not running away from our mate.' She replied stubbornly.

'The safest place we can be right now is in Volkheimer's study and there is exactly where I am heading.' I said.

After not hearing any reply from my horny wolf I decided to take things in my own hands,

'Fine, I'll use my navigating skills and walk. I'll walk until we both get tired, see if you'd lose your stubbornness now.'

And so I walked. I followed my instinct since my wolf isn't cooperating.

Carmella's territory huh....

I think not.

I'm not stupid enough to think that this dangerous atmosphere that's surrounding me is coming from Wonder Pack. I know damn well that I am standing near the ruins of the old Fangs Pack, which is located just near Apollo's pack.

My nose picked up a scent. A familiar one.

"No please don't do this to me."

"You are going to take it whether you like it or not you slut."

Stop, stop, stop.

Stop it Mara, stop.

"Alessio help!"

"You really think that your brother Alessio would give a shit if you're gone?"

He kept on pounding into me like the beast he was. Before-

Stop Mara. Stop it.

I am not going back there.

Zara took over, not wanting to go back either. We ran so fast, it felt like we defeated the wind. Everything around us seemed to halt, even the birds and the butterflies.

She slowed down once we reached the river. After shifting back, I quickly change into the hoodie I was clenching the entire time. With nothing underneath. not even undergarments. Oh god I hope they wont be calling me names.

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