Chapter: 5 What are Best Friends For?

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About 30 minutes after I texted Jemma, the doorbell rang; resulting in Bonnie groaning and shoving her pillow over her head. I glared at her and started to head towards the door when the doorbell rang again. "Can someone get that, people are trying to sleep here!" she whined.

"I'm coming, I'm coming, I can only go so fast" I called out. I opened the door to Jemma holding two Starbucks Frappuccinos. "I thought you might be wanting this." she said in her cheerful voice as she winked at me and side hugged me.

"You have no idea." I groaned, after releasing her from our hug, as I snatched it out of her hands and greedily took a sip.

I let her in the house and we made ourselves comfy as we talked for awhile. Jemma has been my bestfriend since 2nd grade- right after I broke Justin Johnson's toe. I was so upset after, I drove as fast as I could to the Girl's Bathroom, locked myself in a stall and cried my eyes out. Lucky for me, Jemma heard me crying and coaxed me to come out; it took a good 10 minutes but once I did, I could see she meant no harm, she comforted me. As we were talking, I found out she lived in my neighborhood and so she walked me home that day, after school, and told my parents everything that happened, defending me the entire time. From that day on, we've been best friends and have been inseparable. She knows all my secrets and she's the only one who I fully express my feelings to. Even if something is bugging me and I don't spill she finds ways to get it out me, every time, I curse and love her for it. Jemma is a little on the small side-reaching about 5'3, has long curly dark brown hair, grey eyes, wears glasses, and is skinny with just the right amount of curves.

"So what's new in your life? I could tell the moment I walked in something was bugging you, so talk." she stated after awhile while giving me her something's-up-I'm-suspicious look.

I shrugged, "Nothing's up, I've just been anxious to get my baby back." (Yes, I refer to my van as my baby) She wasn't buying my answer though because she glared at me while crossing her arms. I put my hands up in surrender, "Nothing is going on Jem, I swear."

She shook her head, still unsatisfied, "Nope, something's up, I can feel it."

Jemma claims she's psychic and she can feel when somethings up, she can also thinks she can predict when something big is going to happen. To be honest, her accuracy terrifies me sometimes to the point where I almost believe her.

"Is there something you're not telling me about? Something big?" She pressured again.

I thought about it again for a moment, how could she possibly know something was up? I couldn't think of anything, well there was one thing...

"Spill!" She demanded (I guess the expression I had gave my thoughts away).

"It was nothing, really, this guy thought it would be funny to tick me off when I was already in a bad mood at the Auto Shop after my van went all crazy." I replied nonchalantly. In my head however, I was worrying about wether or not it was a big deal.

"And...?" She practically begged.

"And, nothing, that was that, nothing else." I said firmly, finally deciding it really was no big deal. I sometimes hated how she thinks she knows every aspect of my life and then makes me second guess myself. I mean, I'm not the type of girl who gossips constantly about guys, writes hearts all over their High School yearbook pictures and falls head over heels for a guy. To put it simply, the only guy I've really cared about, for years now I guess, would be Daniel Radcliffe.

"He totally flirted with you, didn't he!?" she squealed as she bounced over to me and swung my arms around (she knows the line between having fun and being dangerous for me).

"If he did, I'm not interested in the slightest. I was really annoyed and he made my day worse by being annoying too." I tried to say with a straight face but Jemma was acting so stupid it was a challenge, "plain and simple."

"Come on Kelly!" she whined, "don't give up on him! This could be your big chance for finding your first love!"

At the moment I finally bursted out laughing. Her face and the last comment had finally put me over the edge. Once I calmed down, I managed to sputter out, "Jemma, love is just an all-purpose excuse for selfish behavior." As I wiped the tears, that had leaked out, away.

She dropped my arms in order to put her hands on her hips (she was really amusing when she was trying to be threatening.) and retorted, "Don't give me that crap, you really need to start opening up to people, I know somewhere in that thick head of yours you're gonna develope feelings for him or someone else. Someday."

"Jemma! get it through your thick head! I. Dont. Like. Him."

"But you will." she stated. Now I was seriously starting to get annoyed, I mean I hardly know him, I don't even remember his name, yet she claims I'm going to have feelings for him. Yeah right, sometimes I think she's delusional.

"I don't like him and I'm not going to develope feelings for him. He's a stranger for God's sakes! I don't even remember his name! Okay? End. Of. Discussion." I finally snapped.

We didn't talk about the subject again, instead catching up on our past year of college. At one point she invited me to go to dinner that night to meet her boyfriend,Jake, and I agreed to go. Just because I don't believe in love didn't mean she shouldn't. An hour or so later, she got an emergency call from her job, that they needed her, so she had to leave. We said our farewells and she was off down the street.

I had a pounding headache from our discussion earlier, so I took an Advil and went in my room to lie down for a little while. I must've dosed off because my phone starting ringing, jolting me awake, and when I opened my eyes- the time said 5:30 PM. I groaned and reached for my phone to answer it, "Hello?" I answered in a groggy voice.

"Hi, is this Kelly?" I recognized the voice immediatly, it was the repairman that inspected my van at the Auto shop.

"Yeah, this is she, is my van fixed?"

"Well almost, the specialist, Nate said that there was a part missing- so he had to order it. he told me to tell you it should take five to seven business days to get here." Oh that was the guy's name, Nate, now I remember.

I let out an irritated sigh, "Is there anyway you could put the specialist on the phone?"

"'Sure thing, I'm going to put you on hold and go grab him."

I waited for a good five minutes before Nate's voice came through the phone, "Hello? this is Nate" I recognized his rich voice.

"Look, you said my van would be done in five days at the most. I have places to be and I have to meet a friend for dinner tonight!"

"I know, and I'm sorry- I didn't realize that the part we had didn't fit your van so we had to re-measure it and order the right size." He said sypathetically. I sighed and rested my head in my hand.

"Tell you what, I'll pick you up and drive you to your dinner tonight. With one condition- I get to be your date." I could hear him smirking through the phone. Oh crap! was this his way of flirting with me again? I did not have the patience, or the time, to deal with this.

"Not interested. I'll just call her and tell her I can't make it." There, I saved myself.

"Too late, i'll pick you up at 7:30" with that, he hung up.

Wait- what just happened? There's no way he's coming over, he doesn't even know my address. There's no way that idiot is going to show up- Or so I thought. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys! This chapter took me FOREVER to write, I really hope you enjoy it and I'm really excited for the next chapter!

SPOILER ALERT: we finally get to see Nate and Kelly interact with each other! I'm super excited for that.

Thanks again guys for reading this, it means alot to me, I appreciate all the support. If you want, vote for me and send me comments/ suggestions I would love to hear them. Thanks again guys, I can't believe we are already up to 34 READS!!! In two days!!! That's awesome- keep up the good work. I should update chapter 6 really soon.

Happy reading! ;)

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