Chapter: 13 Predictions Scare Me.

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Today is the day! I thought. I'm finally getting my van back! my freedom, my life, and hopefully never seeing Nate again. Mom and Dad were at work so they couldn't bring me. Mike was at Football Camp, and Bonnie was at the movies with a friend. So that meant I had to call Jemma to come pick me up.

I took a deep breathe as I pulled out my phone to text her.

Me: Hey I was wondering if you can pick me up and bring me to Dawson's Auto so I can pick up my van, can you?

Moments later my phone chirped.

Jemma: But of course! Why wouldn't I bring you to see your boyfriend ;)

Great, we're back to this again. Feeling my cheeks beginning to flare up and my blood pressure rising I grabbed my phone to text her back.

Me: Jemma! I just want to pick up my van! Don't get on my bad side! I mean it!

I huffed out of irritation. My phone chirped once more.

Jemma: Okay, Okay! Geez I'll be there in five.

Thank you! I thought.

Me: Bring a hazelnut Frappuccino please.


Jemma: Way ahead of you!

I smiled. She was annoying, but I love her.

Exactly five minutes later I heard Jemma's car pull up. She didn't bother to come to the door, so instead she just blared her horn. Typical Jemma I thought. I drove outside, and waved to her. "Alright, alright i'm coming." I said. I pulled up to the passenger seat, opened the door, and transferred in. Once I was in Jemma put my chair in the back.

She shut the trunk of her car and slipped in the driver's seat. She then handed me my coffee while starting the car. "As requested" she said.

"Thanks" I replied with a smile and greedily took a sip. I could hear the angels singing and my taste buds dancing. So delicious I said to myself, and it was true.

We sat silent in the car for a few moments until I heard her scoff. "You are so stubborn, you know that?" she said.

I looked at her confused. "How am I stubboen?" I asked.

She smiled. "You just are, you always have been. Ever since we were kids, you never listened to a word others said and somehow win an argument. Even when you're wrong." She finished.

I laughed. "Well I am a lawyer, aren't I" I joked.

"Unfortunately" she joked back.

I laughed again and playfuly hit her arm.

Moments passed and it seemed like this ride took longer than it should have. Jemma was thinking really hard. I could tell because she had her should I push her buttons? look. She was trying really hard to keep her mouth shut. Her forhead creased and her lips her sealed shut. I became concerned her head would explode. I couldn't take it anymore. "Alright spill, whats on your mind?" like I had to ask.

She gasped for air as if she was holding her breathe. "I'm just curious, I want to know how you got to Olive Garden when your van was still in shop? I know your parents were at work, Mike obviously can't drive and Bonnie wouldn't have wanted to drive that far. So who?" She asked.

Crap! I didn't think I would have to tell her. I can already hear her endless, mind numbing, teasing. 

I took a deep breathe. "Well, Nate insisted on taking me, and I had really no other choice-" I was cut off by her squealing. 

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