Chapter: 7 Sweet Cheeks

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"So, you're driving right?" I asked as I checked my bag for the essentials. iPhone, wallet, tissues, and hand sanitizer. Good to go. I thought. "No you're driving." he said coolly.

"Me? you're letting me drive?" I was both shocked and scared, I mean, the only car i've ever driven was my van. It was a present for my 16th birthday but it was already 5 years old at that time, so I've never driven a new or expensive car. To tell you the truth, I was a little intimidated by it. "Are you sure?" I asked Nate once more.

"It's a van, not a space shuttle Kelly." he teased as he tossed me the keys. I tried my best to catch them but missed them by an inch, crap I'm such a klutz I thought. Nate just started laughing as he waltzed his way over towards me. My cheeks reddened with embarrassment and I tried my best to hide it with my hands but had no luck, it just made me look more ridiculous then I already did.

Nate knelt down to pick up the keys, grabbed them, and placed them into my waiting hand. He met my gaze and, for a second, we locked eyes with each other. I never really realized how blue his eyes were, they were so impossibly blue that I wondered if he had a whole sky locked behind them. I guess he was thinking the same thing I was because he chuckled and stated, "Has anyone ever tell you how pretty your eyes were? I mean I knew they were pretty from afar but, my god, looking at them up close..." he shook his head, unsure of what to say next, "they're really something" he smiled once more and I couldn't help but smile back.

After I realized how close we were, I quickly changed the subject. "We should get going," I breathed. Without looking at him again- I drove to the van, pressed the button on the keys and watched the door open and the ramp come out. I drove up into the driver's side, closed the door, and waited for Nate to come. He opened his door and put his seat belt on. "You ready?" I asked. He just nodded. I put the key into the ignition and pulled out of my driveway. This van was a lot more smoother then my van. The van I was driving now had a nice blue polish to it, had leather interior, and drove as smooth as butter. My van, on the other hand, was a simple white van, had vinyl interior, and was slightly noisy. Also, it's huge and takes up way too much room, it's always a really big distraction. This van was perfect, it's small, easy to handle, and extremely fun to drive. Yet, no matter how much a pain it is, I loved my van; it may be 11 years old, and most likely on its last leg, but it's my ticket to freedom, it's a way to escape my world and go anywhere I please. I was so distracted while driving the van that I completely forgot Nate was sitting next to me until he broke into my thoughts. "So where exactly are we going to dinner on this 'non date'" he asked. "Olive Garden" I replied curtly.

Olive Garden was Jemma and I's all time favorite restaurant, we went there all the time as kids with our families for any kind of occasion. Birthday's, Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day- you name it- so it was kind of a no brain-er not to go. "So this friend of yours, who is she?" Nate asked to break the awkward silence that had elapsed.

"She's my Best Friend, her name is Jemma" I replied. why the sudden interest in my life?

"How long have you known her?" he asked pushing for more information.

"About 15 years, we met in 2nd Grade" I cautiously answered.

He simply nodded, he looked as if he didn't know what to say next. "How did you meet?" he finally asked. I went silent, it wasn't something I really liked to talk about. I normally didn't tell people because I don't want there pity, I don't want them to feel bad for me. To be honest, I don't want any kind of attention- period. He could tell he hit a nerve with the expression on my face, so he stopped questioning. We were silent for the rest of the long way there.

Nate's different then the other people I've met before. Normally when I meet people, they just stare, whisper things, and give me sympathetic looks. Nate's different he's never looked at me differently and treats me like a normal person. He respects me, he's kind to me, (heck!) he even argue's with me. I appreciate that, being treated like a normal human being. Now you might be thinking Oh she's totally falling for him! I hate to burst your bubble but I'm not.

We finally made it to Olive Garden and we hopped out of the van. Pressing the button to lock the van, a thought popped in my head I should call Jemma I quickly pulled out my phone and saw someone left a voice-mail on my phone, ironically it was from Jemma, I opened up the voice-mail and put my phone up to my ear to listen "One second." I said to Nate as I drove off to the side and he walked up to the front door of the restaurant.

You have one voice-mail press one to listen.

I pressed one.

You have one voice-mail. First voice-mail.

I listened carefully.

"Hey Kelly, it's Jemma, it looks like i'm going to be working late tonight so I won't be able to make it to dinner. I'm sorry to bail on you, we'll plan another night I promise. Well I got to go, I have to call Jake and let him know. Again I'm really sorry, bye." The line clicked dead.

Perfect, just perfect, I knew I should have canceled the moment I heard my van still needed to be fixed, now i'm stuck here at Olive Garden with Nate- alone.

Nate saw I was ticked "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Well apparently Jemma can't make it, she's stuck at work, you might as well take me home." I snapped. I was both irritated and disappointed but I knew that that would be the best thing.

"Who said I was bringing you home," he said with a cocky smile, "I brought you a van for your convenience, let you drive the car, and I've practically been giving you your way the entire night, and now you want to leave? No." At that point he had walked up to me and was towering over me. "The least you could do is let us eat." He calmly replied with a serious look in his eyes.

Hold up! He's blaming me for tonight! He practically forced me to come with him! He's blaming me! Oh no! I'm not putting up with that! I glared back at him and gave him a piece of my mind, "First of all, I didn't ask you to bring me! You practically forced me to come with you! Second of all, you practically handed me the car like it was no big deal! If my car hadn't broken down this wouldn't be happening and I wouldn't have to deal with you!" I was flipping fed up with his crap. When I finished ranting, his expression turned from cocky to a little hurt. After I realized what I did, my face softened and I shifted in my seat. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I'm just agitated." I apologized, feeling guilty. His face lit up with a big smile "That's alright Sweet Cheeks, let's go to dinner shall we?" He replied with that ever arrogant tone in his voice.

Wait... what just happened? I thought about it for a minute while we were getting our table when it hit me; He totally just played me. No matter how much I didn't want to admit it, he was a total diabolical, genius. Making me actually believe I hurt his feelings and make me feel bad for it, and then calling me Sweet Cheeks. I sighed- Well played Nate, well played.


Hey guys! I finally finished this chapter, it took me a while but here it is, I hope you like it. I intended for this chapter to be longer but I thought if I put it into two parts it would make more sense. Anyway, I hope you're liking this guys, we are up to 58 reads!!! That's amazing, you truly are the best. Feel free to comment, make suggestions, vote for me, follow! Thanks so much for reading my book this really means the world to me. Keep up the good work!

Happy Reading ;)

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