Chapter: 17 Is That Kelly Fletcher? With Nate Dawson?

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"Ouch!" I screamed, as Jemma pulled away the hot metal rod we call a curling iron.
She put her hands on her hips and scowled at me. "Well, if you didn't squirm so much, you wouldn't get burned. Now stop moving!" She ordered.

I crossed my arms and pouted as a child would. I have always been really impatient, especially when I was being put on the spot. I was not prepared for this. How on earth can you be prepared for something in such a short amount of time. Let's use Nate as an example, I wasn't prepared for my van to break down, I wasn't prepared to meet Nate at the Auto Shop, I wasn't prepared for him to flirt with me, I wasn't prepared for him to take me to dinner, I wasn't prepared for Sweet Cheeks, I was however prepared for him to ask me to the ball (unfortunately I have my family to thank for that) But, I wasn't prepared to meet a jerk like Gustof Dubois, and I especially wasn't prepared for Nate to get me the dress with the clock ticking faster than a humming bird can peck a tree. And above all I wasn't prepared to give a speech in front of the whole town. I didn't write a speech, that's how unprepared I am. So i'm going to have to do what I always do and just wing it. Fantastic! I scoffed. Yes, I laugh at my own sacastic remark.

"Are you done yet?" I whined at Jemma, as she was doing the finishing touches on my hair.

"Just be patient." She hissed. Something was off about her.

"Jeez! Who poisoned your apple this morning?" I asked, trying my best to cheer her up.

Jemma is normally a cheery, optimistic person. So when she is making snappy remarks at you, you know something is up.

She ignored my question and kept working on my hair. Her teeth were clenched, her eyes narrowed, and she looked as if she was about to rip my hair out like pulling weeds.

"Jemma?" I questioned.

No response.

"Jemma!" I tried again.

Nothing. I was seriously starting to get annoyed. I was already freaked out about tonight and I didn't have time for her silence. My hands were shaky and my stomach started to rumble.
"Jemma! I'm already having anxiety attacks over this big event tonight! I qdon't need you not talking to me because I kind of need you to be the one to calm my nerves! Now tell me what's wrong! Now!" I demanded. It may seem a little harsh but I was already frazzled and I needed her loving guidance.

She took a deep sigh. "Fine!" She slammed the curling iron down with force. "You know that guy I was dating?" She asked.

"Yeah. What about him?" How could I possibly forget that night. Nate taking me to Olive Garden, Jemma bailing on me, the weird connection we had etc... Overall it was a strange night.

"He broke up with me last night. Over text message! What the heck! Things were going great! We had are costumes together and the night before the ball he breaks up with me! Who does that!" She yelled.

Once she finished her rant, I spoke in a calm voice, almost too calm. "Name, number, address, give me ten minutes and I promise you the cemetery will have another visitor." It was a threat I was willing to make just for her. A sick smile spread across my face as I cackled my famous evil maniacal laugh that scares the crap out of people. It warms my heart just to know how evil I can be.

She laughed. "You're the best. Scary, but brilliant." She said. She shook her head and resumed to finsihing my hair.

I smiled, "And don't you forget it." I added.

She smiled, unplugged the curling iron and set it down. She sighed and shrugged "I guess I was kind of expecting it, you know. He was never really boyfriend material, I guess it's better it ended before things got worst." She was trying to stay strong, but I could tell she was sad. Her eyes were sullen and her whole aura was just depressing.

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