Chapter: 6 Didn't He Get The Memo?

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      After calling Jemma for the tenth time, still getting no answer, resulted in me tossing my phone aside out of frustration (don't worry it didn't break, yes I could have if I wanted to). I was so angry, this day had been nothing but horrible from the moment I woke up. Between Jemma pestering me, my van's not even fixed, and Mr. "Specialist" Nate flirting with me once more. I mean, seriously! He thinks his good looks and "so called" charm can fix anything and everything. Maybe some girls who are naïve enough to fall for that crap, but not me. 

   So instead of letting my anger get the best of me, I decided to get up, take a hot shower, slip myself into comfy pajamas, wrap my robe around me, slip on my fluffy bunny slippers, and last but not least, search through my Harry Potter movies and snatch the one I was in the mood for. Harry Potter: And The Deathly Hallows Part: 2 "perfect" I whispered. I opened the case, put the DVD in the DVD player, pressed play, and let my mind wander into the mystical world called Harry Potter aka My Life. I was finally starting to put today behind me and let my mind drown in Daniel Radcliffe World when I heard a knock at my door. I paused the movie, "Come in" I called. It was Bonnie, she peered her head through the door, she had a teasing smile across her face. "What?" I asked cautiously. "There's a guy waiting outside for you." she giggled. 

   No. Way. He did not. How the... What the... my thoughts were all over the place and I shocked all at the same time. Okay, this guy is going to realize once and for all I'm not interested and I mean business. I reluctantly got up, transferred to my power chair, buckled my seat belt, and drove out of my room- pushing Bonnie aside in the process. 

   "Someone has an admirer." she sang.

   "Not now Bonnie." I snapped.

   She just smiled and skipped to the window. "What's going on?" I heard Mike ask from behind.

   "There's a guy outside, waiting for Kelly." Bonnie said a little too enthusiastically. Mike's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and a sly smile lit across his face as he clapped his hands together "This should be good!" he smirked.

   I rolled my eyes, "Both of you just go away, go! Now!" I snapped at the end. Before they could protest, I opened the front door and slammed it behind me. Low and behold there was Nate, leaning up against what looked like a mini van. He looked the same from the Auto shop except he was wearing a buttoned down shirt with dress pants and dress shoes. For a guy who works all day with grease, he cleans up pretty nice. I crossed my arms, trying to look as serious as I possibly could. He chuckled and simply stated, "nice pj's." I looked down- oh crap! I forgot I was wearing pajamas. I shook my head and sighed "I told you I wasn't interested." like seriously, didn't he get the memo? 

   He met my gaze with a cocky grin, "and I told you  it was too late to change my mind." 

   Seriously! Like seriously? "How did you even get my address? Are you stalking me?" I asked.

   He just smiled "Your address was on the registration you gave us and, for the record, I'm not a stalker."

   "Well I'm not going." There case and point.

   "Fine, I'll just wait here then." He stated.

   I could tell this guy was not backing down. "How do I know I can trust you, for all I know you could be serial killer." Just then I heard Bonnie and Mike giggling behind me, I spun around and looked at the window and gave them my look. They immediately stood up and ran out of sight That's right you better run!  I thought.

   I turned back to Nate, he was trying so hard not laugh at the expression on my face, to distract himself he said "if I were a serial killer would I have brought a handicap accessible van just for you?" He had a tinge of sweetness in his voice. 

   I was slightly shocked, "That's a handicap accessible van?" 

   "Sure is, straight from the shop, it's a new edition." I was stunned and slightly impressed. 

   "So what do you say?" he pleaded, "will you come?" he was practically begging me.

    I thought about it for a while. This isn't a good idea, I shouldn't be doing this, yet it would seem ridiculous if I didn't go I mean he put so much work into it, he was really trying. It would just be straight up rude if I didn't say yes. After thinking about I finally sighed. "Fine but on two conditions, one: this isn't a date, so don't get any ideas, and two: you're paying." That seems fair. 

     Nate's eyes lit up, he was satified "Deal," he said with no hesitation.

     "Deal." I agreed.

     I rushed back in the house as Bonnie and Mike were staring at me with teasing smiles. I simply ignored them, years of dealing with them had given me a lot of practice, and I scrambled to my room, opened my closet and found a simple, comfortable lace dress from Wet Seal. I quickly slipped it on, grabbed matching flats, and just a spritz of perfume. I looked at my hair it wasn't fully dried, I didn't have time to blow dry it so I just braided it into a simple side braid. I added just a touch of makeup to soften my features, grabbed my handbag and was out the door. Somewhat presentable in under 10 minutes, good job Kelly I said to myself. Bonnie and Mike still had those teasing looks on there faces. 

     "I never thought i'd see the day when Kelly Reneé Fletcher went on an actual date with an actual person." said Bonnie sarcastically.

      I rolled my eyes "It's not a date, he's just driving me to dinner to meet Jemma so I can meet her boyfriend since my van's still at the shop, okay? I'll be home soon." I explained to her.

       She wasn't buying it, she still had that girlish expression written across her face. Mike chimed in "Yeah sure, you crazy kids don't stay out too late- okay?" He teasingly waved goodbye.

         "Oh put a sock in it!" I couldn't help but smile, "Bye guys." They waved their farewells and I was off, still unsure if I was doing the right thing.


Hey guys! this chapter literally took me all day!!! we had a family day today so I didn't have a lot of time to write but i'm sooo happy I finished it I really hope you're liking this book, I'm really putting my heart and soul into it. We are up to 50 READS!!!! in only 3 days!!!!!! You guys are AMAZING that means the world to me, thank you so so so so so so so so much guys I really appreciate itShout out goes to lgirl36 for keeping me company while writing this and keeping my brain motivated- THANK YOU BESTIE!!!! Check out her book, "The Reader and The Musician" it is AWESOME!!!!!! Thanks again guys keep up the good work and happy reading ;)

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