• Yaadein - 6 •

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"Please fasten your seat belts. We'll be taking off in 5 minutes."

Jeevika fastened her seatbelt as well as that of Viren's with her one hand. She somehow managed to do it with quite difficulty so as not to wake up Viren who was fast asleep, his head resting on her shoulders.
She sighed, she still didn't know what happened exactly. They were yet to talk about it, but something had surely changed. Viren's behavior had changed as well. And no, his behaviour wasn't of anger or hate or any negative feeling anymore. Atleast she didn't think so. But what baffled her more was that it wasn't like it previously was when they were still best friends.
No, it gave off some different feels and surprisingly she liked the change. Ultimately she decided on feeling satisfied that things were going to change for the better. Atleast he was talking to her normally.
She didn't think, Viren thought of her as gold digger. She knew he did trust her in some matters still. They were once best friends after all. She would talk to him once they reached their destination. No one would be able to disturb them there.

After a while, Viren woke up. Seeing their position, he realized he had again acted selfishly and how Jeevika wordlessly endured. While he slept peacefully, her position was awkward and her shoulders must be aching too. He thought about the incident few days back. Atleast the main problem was solved.

---------- Flashback ----------

Viren had made special arrangements for his dadi to attend a special function. Of course her dear tagalong Sana was also there with her. The function was for celebrating the 10 years anniversary of Shiksha, the orphanage whose Viren's father was the trustee. After every important guest made a speech, Viren stood before the mike.

"Today, to commemorate the 10 years of Shiksha, we'll be introducing another special education programme which we had been planning for since months. While previously, the funds were a problem that is not the case anymore. My wife will be donating, the liquidated assets she owns to the trust fund."

He finished with a cunning smile on his face. While his dadi and Sana were smug, unaware that they were digging their own grave. Viren had told them, that in exchange for transferring the properties to her name, dadi needs to help him to get rid of his wife. For that they would need to prove her as a gold digger. The plan was full proof. For dadi knew Jeevika wouldn't hand over the properties to someone without her in laws approval, so her saying no would only help their plan. And there would be no room for discussion when he will ask her to do it in front of everyone. Seeing them both agree to his plan only increased his disgust towards them. They forgot that Viren knew his wife better than anyone else.

Thus, contrary to their predictions, Jeevika got up to do as Viren said. Seeing her do his bidding, the colour drained from the old woman's face and that satisfying view made his wait wirth it. In her panic, she looked at Viren, thinking he would do something but Viren's expression didn't change. At that moment, Nalini finally understood. Viren had tricked her. His cunning smile wasn't aimed at Jeevika but her foolishness. After Jeevika completed the necessary formalities, their family left the venue.

Everything went smoothly without any obstacles in his plan. He knew there wouldn't be any. His parents were self made. They didn't need that money nor was Jeevika interested in it. He just wanted the old geezer to experience the loss of someone rather something dear to her in this case, right in front of her eyes while she stood helpless. That moment of helplessness was his gift to her for life.

As for Sana,he had another gift planned. She had humiliated Jeevika and took advantage of his feelings. He had truly loved her. But she had stepped on those feelings like nothing but money mattered. So he would show her what was it exactly that she gave up on.

He had actually offered her more money so as to keep an eye on his dadi, in case she got hint of his original plans. Of course Sana wasn't aware that he knew everything. So she did as he instructed. As a reward, he offered her the job of his assistant in his company. She thought, it was to continue his affair with her and poor Jeevika would only be able to watch. She didn't know, that things were just like she thought but there would be role reversal.

-------- Flashback end --------

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we'll be landing in 10-15 mins. Please fasten your seatbelts for safe landing. Thank you."

The cabin head's voice brought him back to the present. He checked and noticed, Jeevika was still sleeping. He sighed. His heart still ached over the fact that his genuine feelings weren't returned, but he knew Jeevika would be able to heal those scars effortlessly. Her presence alone was dulling that ache successfully. He intertwined his fingers with hers. With her by his side, he would be able to move on. He would try his best, for that was the least she deserved from him.


Hope you guys liked how Viren settled the scores. I didn't want to drag this matter too much because they're not the focus but also wanted to give a proper closure. Just a verbal bat with Sana would be letting her off too easily in my opinion so I tried my best to balance the both.

Next chapter will surely be the last one. It was fun writing this story. It wouldn't have been possible without you guys' support and encouragement. Thank you everyone 😘❤

Published on 29th June, 2018

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