part 2

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I stepped out of the car to be greeted with herds of people all wearing different shades of blue.
I HATE large crowds of people in fact, I just hate people in general.

I don't feel safe...I blame my father for that.
"Come on miss smith" Jeannine snapped in my direction, the authority in her voice made me want her even more.
I sped up to match her strides through the sea of busy bodies...I instantly move closer to jeanine , she puts her hand around my waist when she noticed me shaking.

She sits me on a near bench with her, towering over my small frame.
"Honey, what's the matter?" She coos as if I'm the most fragile thing in the world.
"N-nothing, I'm fine" I let out a shaky breath relieved I'm not a part of that crowd anymore.
She frowns tilting her head to the side giving me a nice view of her neck.
She bites her Bottom lip, with a thoughtful expression "hmm" she lowly says as if she doesn't believe me.
Of Course she doesn't believe me, she has an IQ of 206- she is able to separate the candour from the distorted reality, which makes it very hard for people to lie to her.
If she wasn't on the hunt for divergents, I would think she was one.

"You're supposed to be with the other initiates. Follow me" she strictly says, the dominance present in her voice.
Thank God she didn't ask anymore questions.
I follow her until I get to a group of people my age in a room filled with single beds, each with a small table next to them. Simple, i like it.
"I want you all to be changed into  Euridite clothes, then in the eureka in 5 minutes. Understood?" Her voice boomed through the room.
Everyone grumbled a 'yes'
My voice got trapped in my throat....her dominance was too overpowering, I forgot to speak.            I could feel a wetness building up in my pants.
She took a couple of slow, predatory steps towards me.
"I said is that understood miss smith?" Her eyes had gotten a shade darker, I flinched. Memories of my father flashing before my eyes.
I could see her face soften, almost as if she could read my thoughts .
"Yes" I squeak out happy that I didn't stutter.
She nodded her head in a dismissing manner and stormed out.

I turned to the boy next to me
"What's the eureka?" I asked quietly.
He smiled and said"its just the place you go and get food and socialize ...My name is jake"
He stuck his hand out for me to shake
I gently grasped his hand "I'm Kate".
His eyes lingered on my hand, i wonder why??

I changed into a blue dress.
Navy blue, it ended just above my knee.

I walked into the eureka and spot the other initiates, eating and talking together.
Jake wolf whistled at me...I gave him a slight smile not really caring,I put it on to tease jean-nevermind.
Jake shrinks back in his chair, I turn to see miss Mathews glaring daggers at him...her strides are long as she storms towards him.

I watch the scene unfold before my eyes, she whispers into his ear and he visibly gulps.
I frown. What was that about?
Jeannine walks up to the stage
She taps the microphone and clears her throat to grab everyone's attention.
"You have chosen the faction of intelligence , you have all been tested for your IQ already without your consent.
Now you will each be put into a job based on your results, the imitate with the highest IQ will work alongside me.
This counts towards your initiation. You will be expected to get a reference and a write up a report on your experience. If you fail to do're out!" She looks me in the eye...and the side of her lips quirked upwards.

She struts off stage, her heels echoing through the hall, causing a shiver to run down my spine.
I rub my sweaty hands down the sides of my navy dress, trying to calm my anxiety.
I dare to look up... as she's standing right in front of me, staring down into my eyes.
She leans in slightly so her mouth is level with my ear and whispers "well done miss smith, top of the class "
Her breath tickles my neck making the little hairs prick upwards.
I open my mouth to say something but before I could, she's gone.
I smack both of my hands on my cheeks, Feeling them burn with desire.
I stare gobsmacked towards the direction She stormed off in.
The image of her smirk imprinted in my mind, terrorizing me.

Jake comes stumbling into me rubbing the back of his neck "e-rr do You" he pauses to glance back at his friends and they all nod for him to carry on.
Ohhh do I want to go out with him.
"Sure but only because you're my first friend here" he looks disappointed oh no, I hope this wasn't a date
I'm as straight as a circle!
I go back to the shared room to get changed into a classy/sexy outfit.
I met Jake by the Euridite club....I know Euridite have a club!! Who'd have thought ey.

--in the club--
I'd had so much to drink, Jake tried to get me to dance but I could barely stand , he realised his efforts were  futile and grabbed a different girl. I'd probably be offended if I fancied him.
But I have my eye on miss Mathews...I wish she was here.

I want to go home,
'You can't go home kate' my stupid brain reminds me.
I order another drink I can't remember what I asked for but it's alcohol so it doesn't matter.
The bartender reaches over and places it in front of me and glances around the room worriedly...I didn't pay much attention to his odd behaviour
I pick up the drink with both hands to stop my shaking...I'm about to take a sip when a hand steadied my drink back onto the bar. Huh??

I drunkenly turn my head towards the arm.
"Heyyyyy tha-ts myne" I slur
And spin...well topple to the side to get a better look and its...miss Mathews standing there looking very angry with an eyebrow raised.
Oh bloomingggg shit
"Fuck" I curse and try and crawl away but she has me slightly pinned to the bar with her body.
I bite my lip and look away from her knowing in in deep deep trouble.
"This is very irresponsible Kate, was it that boy that bought you here?"
She spits the word 'boy' as if he's dirt.

She rolls her eyes at my silence and heaves my body up into a bridal position. Mhh she's strong!
Everyone in the club creates a pathway for her to walk through....
I don't know where she's taking me.
It seems we have been walking forever, her arms must ache.

After lots of stairs, we reach a big fancy room, she gently throws me on the king sized bed.
She crawls on top of me, pinning both on of hands above my head with just one of hers.
Her eyes are the darkest I've ever seen them!

A deep growl comes from her throat
"You're so intoxicated. How did Jake let you get like this?"
I flinch as her voice is at least two octaves lower than usual.
He didn't really care when he realised I didn't want to fuck him, that's horrible....I hate boys, mmm I love Jeanine. what? No I don't, definitely not. Sure you don't . God I'm so drunk. My thought are so jumbled
Jeannie chuckles as if she can read my thoughts about her.
She can read minds...
What if she's a vampire, her skin is pale she'll know that I know!
My eyes widen up at her, in return I receive a smirk....a big smirk.
I hear a voice in my head say "I may be pale but are you sure I'm a vampire Kate?" It's jeanine's voice
She raises an eyebrow " I see you're wide awake now" she muses
My heart is hammering out of my chest...she places her hand just above my breasts to feel my heart. I try and calm down but I physically can't when she's lying on top of me.

She gently grabs my torso pulling me up in front of her so my legs are wrapped around her waist.
She strokes my hair in a soothing manner " need to calm down for me ok? I promise I'm not going to hurt You"
Her promise and embrace made me feel weirdly safe.
"Ok" I whisper relaxing into her arms. 

She softly smiled and lay me down onto the bed wrapping me in warm covers.
She kisses my forehead, the warmth of her lips lingering on my face
"Good girl" she states seriously and struts out, swaying her hips.

Once I close my eyes I'm out! The alcohol forces me to sleep and not think about Jeanine and that beyond weird encounter.

I Want Jeannine Mathews Where stories live. Discover now