part 3

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I grogily wake up and lift my head off the pillow and try to move but I'm stopped by a strong arm around my hips, tugging me into their body.
I gasp when I remember what happened yesterday , I'm in bed with Jeanine!! I need to go, she'll kill me.
My breathing gets faster as I realise there's no escape.
Her eyes flutter open and blink up at me...scanning my body with curiosity.
Her arm doesn't move an inch from my waist, which confused me I thought it was inappropriate to have a relationship with your faction leader.

She groaned rolling onto me with her arms now on either side of me, I looked up into her eyes.
"I will decide what is appropriate and inappropriate after all, I am the faction leader"
I gulped
Did I say that out loud...I swear I didn't!
I glanced up, my eyes lingering on her lips for a little too long- her tongue slowly traced her bottom lip.
My mouth opened slightly shocked at her actions.
She smirked at my response knowing the effect she has on me.
She rolls off me and gets up, swaying her hips as she walks to her massive walk in wardrobe.
"You have *checks the clock* 10 minutes to get to breakfast" she raises an eyebrow awaiting my response
My eyes widen in realisation, I need my coffee.
I sprint out of her room
All I can hear is my footsteps and her chuckling.

I go to the Eureka to find- oh crap I've forgotten his name all ready.
Reaching the Eureka I head straight to the coffee and pour myself a massive cup.
I sit down breathing heavier than normal, clutching my side.
I still have a gigantic bruise on my side, my father did it before i left.
I think all the excitement of going into a new faction made me forget about it.
I hope there's no extreme damage.
I really should have went to the hospital when I arrived.
I chug the caffeine infused drink while wincing at the sudden pain in my external oblique area...
I flinch as I put harder pressure onto my side.

I limp out of the eureka towards the direction of the infirmary...My vision blurred slightly, a sign of internal bleeding crap crap crap!
I have to make it there.

I bump into something...A wall? Ouch
I didn't fall on my butt like expected.
Instead a smooth hand is firmly wrapped around my waist...not too tight, just right.
I look up and meet the green/grey eyes that I fell in love with.
"Are you quite alright kate?" She asked may I say looking very worried while her hand still comforted my form.
"Yesyes I am quite alright erm" i quickly said
Her eyes squinted at my right leg...I didn't realise I was leaning all of my body weight on one side
I straighten my body even though it killed me to do so.
I couldnt let Jeanine find out about my abusive father

Firstly it would put her off me because in weak...not that she's ever going to fancy me!
I look down at her hand on my waist, she sees the direction of my eyes and slowing removes her arm grazing my side area in a comforting notion, as if she knows I'm in pain.
She stood straight looking down at me "where are you going Kate?"
Mmm there she goes saying my name again
"The erm h-hospital" I whisper not meeting her eyes
She gently lifts my chin upwards so I'm looking into her warm eyes.
"Where?" She repeats firmer this time
"Hospital" I say louder
"Can you walk? What's wrong??"
She asks urgently
My words stumble out in a rush " I can manage....i think. It's just a bit of pain that's all, my vision is a bit blurry"
Without another word she scoops me up into a bridal position and carries me gently, she kept glancing down checking to see if I'd passed out

We reach the hospital quite quickly which is a shame as I would have like to be in her arms a bit longer.
The nurse's head snaps towards my direction
"What happened??" The nurse asked frantically
Jeannine gently puts me on one of the hard beds...
Jeannine looks down at me "Kate you need to tell us what happened! If it happened here in Euridite-"
I cut her off "it didnt" she looks very angry
"Then when Kate?!" Her eyes look black-they have dialated, she looks sooooo angry
She neatly sits on the bed and lifts me up to sit on her head is resting on her shoulder in the crook of her neck and her arms are wrapped around me, comforting me.
The nurse sits opposite us
"Can I see your side?" Ms Mathews whispered, I nod afraid of her response
She lifts up the left side of my blue blouse, bunching it up in her hand
She gasped
"Oh baby" she cooed
I blushed when she called me that but she was too concerned to realise

She walked out of the hospital room, I could see her in the window...she's talking to a man in a blue suit.
She looks frustrated...she's running her hands through her hair shouting, I can almost hear their conversation.
The man scurried off in a hurry and Jeanine walks back.
Slamming the door
I flinch at the shudder of the room
I'm lying on the the hospital bed
She sits on the edge and rubs my arm looking me in the eyes very seriously "Kate, I can't do anything to help you if I don't know what's happened. I know it must be uncomfatable on this rock hard bed...would you like to come to my quarters? "
I frown getting up "haven't they got to check for internal bleeding?"
She shook her head " we already checked sweetheart." Oh
Butterflies were going mad in my abdomen, she really needs to stop with the pet names or I'll faint.
"Yes Ok, I really don't like hospitals and i really like y-" shit why would i even go to say i like you.
she raises one of her perfect eyebrows "yogurts, yep. I don't like hospitals and i like yogurts...makes fucking sense kate!" I whispered the last bit to myself.
But I think she heard because she started laughing oh god.
Her laugh is the goddess of all noise- how is she so perfect

I'm so red my face is actually on fire...her laugh turns into a smirk

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2018 ⏰

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