I completely forgot about Wattpad

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So I was looking back, just reminiscing, and found my Wattpad account.

As I go through these stories, one thing keeps going through my head...Where did my bars go??? Like I could actually rhyme and now I can barely get a line out. It's hilarious!

This book is definitely my favorite one. The other ones make me cringe way too much. Also, this one is just the realist. I just put what I was feeling into words and I got this monstrosity.

My favorite part of this book is definitely "When you were my friend". I remember writing it and being scared to actually put it up because it was the most honest I had ever been on wattpad. I look at it now and I realize we never stopped being friends, it was just a state where we didn't talk as much. And she knows who she is. She's definitely one of my greatest best friends, and I love her as I do the rest of my friends. Still don't talk a lot though, so if your reading this for any reason, hit me up kidd.

Another one I like is "Magicians Trick". I was very honest in that one too. Being eight years in now, I realize some of those things changed. I still use magic as a therapeutic outlet, but just being more experienced and involved in the magic community has brung a lot of changes. I perform a lot more than I did back then and I know a lot more tricks so...take that as you will.

"Absence of light" is definitely the most poetic thing I have ever written in my entire life. It was actually about multiple people that are so important to me and I thought I was losing them. I never did though. These beautiful people are still around today and they give me reason to wake up everyday. Still wish I could talk to them more often. I miss all so much.

Looking back at this brought back so many memories. I wanna do this for all my old social media in like a live stream or something. This was fun. I'm probably never gonna use wattpad again though. If you're reading this and I know you then I'll hit you up when I get my phone back. Unless your the person I was referring to in "When you were my friend", hit me up now, dude. I'd love to talk to you as soon as possible.

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