NaKeD PeoPLe

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BY THE TIME THE TRIO OF GIRLS HAD shown up to Gabriel's estate, the rest of the crew had already arrived; they happened to be the last ones to arrive, as predicted by Chloe.

The nerves in Marinette's stomach churned for more than a few reasons. For one, she felt like a total outsider. Everyone else there seemed to slip easily into happy conversation, while she foolishly stuck close to Alya. Somehow, she felt as through Alya hated her, even when the bespectacled girl kindly introduced her to other faces she had yet to meet.

She also was anxious about eventually skinny dipping. The girl had never been stark naked in front of anyone before, and the thought of these half strangers getting the first opportunity felt a little bit wrong. However, she had no plans to back out right now, so she continued to keep her feet firmly planted.

Lastly, Marinette was concerned with Adrien's reaction to her presence. She knew he wouldn't overreact or do anything dramatic, but it still worried her nonetheless.

Continuing to hear about Nathanael's artwork from said artist himself, Marinette nursed a red solo cup filled to the brim with fruit punch. She guessed the one cocktail Adrien downed a few months ago at the club was the most recent alcohol he had consumed— at least she hoped. Judging from the virgin juice, her conclusion was an easy one to make.

Much like the time she slept over at Adrien's, there was no shortage of snacks. The island in the kitchen was packed full of bowls with different foods. As her blue eyes drifted over the array, they yanked up, instantly connecting to a pair of vibrant green.

Adrien's vibrant green.

"Marinette, are you okay? You kind of spaced out, girl," Alya whispered as Nathanael continued to speak in the circle they were standing in. Never removing her gaze from his, she replied, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine."

His stare turned sweeter as time ticked along, a soft smile gracing the corners of his pink lips. She didn't know how to act, flubbery seeming to be the theme of the evening.

Forcing all of her attention to tune into the red headed male, Marinette refocused. "What the hell was that all about?" Chloe ruthlessly announced, the small group she was standing in all turned to look at Marinette with more than questioning glances.

Inwardly, she was cursing the blonde girl for calling the deeply unwanted attention to her.

"W-What was what all about?"

Chloe rolled her eyes, popping a hip out. "You and Adrien were making total goo-goo eyes at each other. Hurry up and just make out already, okay?"

Annoyed with her friends (she could call them that, right?), Marinette slammed her juice cup on the table before speed walking to the door that lead to the back patio. She craved the fresh air, as inside was incredibly suffocating.

The crisp breeze instantly washed over her burning frame, gifting her with a sweet sense of relief. Right after she soaked in what the great outdoors had to offer, Marinette dipped her toes in the chlorine pool, deciding to cool herself even further.

Despite the city-bustling location of Adrien's childhood mansion, she heard a few crickets singing in the distance. Away from the chaos and pressure, her shoulders slumped. Allowing her emotions to finally hit her full force, she crumpled into her hands, thick tears escaping through the cracks of her fingers.

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