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"SO I HEARD A RUMOR ABOUT YOU TODAY and wanted to double check if it had any truth behind it." Adrien said, catching Marinette by surprise outside near the student center.

She was perplexed as to why he even bothered. In her mind, she thought the night under the stars with all of his friends was a one time fluke. They met only because she felt the need to be rude and chase him down. In the past, she had deeply connected with a stranger and then never reached out again. It was quite a common occurrence in college.

With the amount of instances where he would call out her name, or send her text messages, the girl was eventually convinced otherwise. The two hadn't hung out much more, only once or twice with his friends present too.

With a brow raised, she asked, a concerned smile gracing her lips, "Oh? What about?"

Adrien walked over to a tree off the concrete path, expensive flip flop protected feet most likely getting poked by sharp mulch. His hand hurriedly motioned for her to follow. He led her to a hidden bench that was surrounded by towering shrubbery. It was gorgeous the way the sunlight streamed through the vibrantly green leaves.

Adrien rested on top of the stone bench, taking a load off. Just like the night they first met, he patted the seat next to him. She obliged.

"Mari, is it true that you've never been to a party before?" Oh. That.

"Yes, drunk people freak me out."

Adrien pondered her excuse. His eyes alit with an idea. "What if we go to tonight's party at the frat house on Founder Street?" She grimaced, fingering her dark purple sweatpants. It wasn't just the drunkenness that bothered her, no, it was much more personal than that.

"And why would I ever do that?"

"Because Nino's going with Alya, Nathanael's going with Chloe and I'll be alone."

Marinette froze, remaining still like a statue.

"Are you asking me out?"

Adrien's green eyes doubled in size, his hands waving in the space between them before resting on her frumpy, black sweater clad shoulder. "No, no, no! Just as friends! But since Nino's already dating Alya and Nathanael's finally making moves on Chloe, I'll be the odd man out. I need a pal there with me," he explained, looking quite pleased with his reasoning.

"New plan. You go alone and meet new people while I rewatch Glee for the fourth time. Problem solved."

"No, problem not solved. This is the first night I have off from modeling since last week. This calls for a celebration."

"Want me to throw a slushee in your face or something?"

"Mari, why are you being so resistant?"

His worries were true. She was being out of character. Usually, Marinette would have gently brushed him off and say she'd call later or something. Her brain was overloaded in twisted thought, surfacing memories arising, ones she hoped to keep suppressed forever. They were painful. With tears teasing her eyelids, she turned to face Adrien.

"Because the ugly duckling has no business pretending she's remotely pretty for one evening," Marinette said, distance gracing her glazed pupils. She sniffled before standing up and leaving the solace of nature.

Saving her tears for her pillow, she rapidly headed for her next lecture. Marinette tried her best to block her surroundings. Knitting her brows together, she was confused on so much.

Not only was her mind spinning like a top, but her ruby red nose would not stop itching.

"Marinette!" Adrien hollered, making her spin around. Lo and behold, the blonde was cutting gravel in half with the speed he maintained. It was slightly humiliating to have the attention of others around her bore into her skin. Adrien finally caught up to the dark haired girl.

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