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MARINETTE SUPPOSED THAT ALYA WAS the designated guinea pig of the friend group. Her assumption was based purely on the fact that it was the bespectacled girl that plopped down next to her once Harold hurried off to the bathroom to relieve himself.

They made plans to head to his apartment as soon as he returned. The blue eyed girl was growing increasingly nervous and excited by the millisecond.

"So, Harold, huh?"

Marinette took a shy sip from her glass. "Yeah, we've been seeing each other for a little while now." Alya sighed, appearing conflicted.

"Look, while it wasn't cool of you to slightly lead Adrien on, it's mostly his own stupid fault for reading too much in between the lines. Regardless, he's hurting and if his friendship means squat to you, you'll consider your next actions very wisely."

Marinette gulped audibly. "May I speak with him privately?" She fumbled with her fingers, as they suddenly felt incredibly heavy. Alya playfully scoffed. "I don't care as long as Adrien himself is okay with that request."

Sliding off the wooden barstool she currently inhabited, Marinette made her way over to the weepy blonde. She had to clear her throat for Adrien to acknowledge her presence, as his head was adamantly buried in his forearms.

Marinette surmised that the rest of the gang was hitting up the dance floor, as he was found by himself. Alya's haunting words echoed in her head. The dark hearted girl knew she only had one chance and that she better not screw it up royally.

She was hyperaware.

Adrien's eyes were heavily laced with defeat and sadness. "What was Harold doing here?" Adrien asked, tone even.

Unsure of just how lightly she needed to tread, Marinette gently slid onto the barstool next to him. Swallowing, she prepared for the worst.

"He just happened to be here too. Harold being in this club was all coincidental, I swear."

Adrien sniffled before wiping away a stale tear from earlier. "I believe you," he whispered. Even though the loud music was obnoxious, the girl was hanging on his every breath and could hear his syllables incredibly well.

Despite knowing that she needed to be choosy with her words, Marinette couldn't take lying to his pretty face. He deserved so much more than a scant buttering of the truth. Their friendship meant too much to ignore reality.

Either way, she was ready to face the music.

"Would you support me if I said I was going to Harold's place after this?"

His chiseled jaw set even tighter than she ever could have thought plausible. After several deafening seconds of silence, Adrien sighed, also releasing the fists of his hands to a state of mere relaxation.

"Are you positive you want to do that? Are you ready for anything he may... throw at you?" His tone wasn't scolding by any stretch of the imagination. It was quite the opposite; it was caring.

Marinette found it odd that he had shied away from talking about sex. Usually, the blonde was more than happy to bring up the inappropriate topic quite often.

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