Someone needs to do the explaining here

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Hope you like :) this is dedicated to AngelxxLaxxCountryxx cuz she's pretty cool and she commented first on the last chapter :)

Chapter 4:

I marched out of the room shaking that thought out of my head. It probably wasn't true, I barely knew this dude anyways. But why did he take me? Why am I not trying to escape? But everything seems so... familiar? I don't know. Never mind.

I marched down the stairs angrily prepared to get answers and I saw him talking to a butler nearby. I turned and walked toward him and put my hand on his shoulder and he turned, making my hand fall. He smiled at me casually.

"Why the hell did you take me?" I asked as the butler walked away slowly,"Why did your brother tell me this shit about me being the most important thing to you? And most of all,WHY DID YOU TAKE ME??!!"

I was furious searching his worried eyes for answers but I could find none. "Listen," he started,"it's a long story, and you will find the answers, but in time- Wait a minute? My brother?!"

He ran back over to the butler now dusting a vase and whispered something in his ear. The butler soon scurried off into a nearby hall and Cade walked back towards me. "Darling, I thought I told you not to talk to anyone?" He spoke in a worried and rushed tne which made me feel uneasy.

"Well, I - I didn't necessarily talk to him... he um... he.. he like was in the bathroom when I was and said that.. that I was the most important thing to you...." I stopped knowing that he could just snap and be angry like Danny did. But I don't think anyone could be as bad as Danny.

He sighed angrily but I could tell he wasn't goin to take his anger out on me,"Just be careful, I trust you won't speak much to anyone else besides the people who belong in this house?" "Sure," I said,"But it's kinda getting boring...." 

"Then entertain yourself," and with that he was gone again leaving me alone in a big house I was unfamiliar in and was cluless to the people inside of it.

I marched up the stairs and went into the kitchen room and popped popcorn then went back across the hall back to my "room."

Funny, I had already started calling it "my room" but truthfully, I wasn't one for fighting, and I normally was shy, I know, in what you saw I seemed like a total whore but Im not really. We all have our inner sluts inside and our crazy moments.

I switched on the TV to see a marathon of shows I used to watch with Rosa. I kinda missed her, we were basically inseperable.

I thought for a while about what had happened and where I could be and why, of course, why had he stolen me out of all the other beautiful girls in the world. I wasn't the prettiest in the world, but that reminded me about the quote Rosa always told me. And I repeated it in my head.

I'm not pretty like you, I'm pretty like me.

It made me smile to think of her, but at the same time, tears stung my eyes at the thought of her. It made me sad that I wasn't around her but I knew I would surely get out of her soon, but at the same time, I doubted that. I wanted to run in a way.

Away from Danny, away from here away from my town. But just with Rosa. She was the single person I wanted to be around. I'm not saying I love her though, I love her as my best friend.

No not my best friend, my sister. Tears strolled down my cheeks and rolled off of my face and onto the bed and my knees and I held my head in my hands. Not all of them were sad, I was also happy that I had someone like her. But I missed her desperately.

I remained watching the marathon until it ended which made me sad but I was also laughing at the funny parts not caring if anyone heard below or above my room.

I turned off the lamp next to my bed and layed down and snuggled into the super soft blankets and felt as though I didn't want to move and fell into a light sleep that was well needed.


I woke up to someone sitting on my bed and playing with my hair. I swatted their hand and I heard them laugh in their deep sexy voice.

"Shit." I mumbled and sat straight up staring into a beautiful pair of golden orbs. I let out a small whimper but he placed his lips on mine and I lost track of what I was supposed to do.

We kissed there for several minutes and eventually, I was so tired I pulled my head away. "Darn,"he said knowing I wouldn't anymore and the glowing eyes were gone but I couldn't see the smoke he left.

I fell back down and layed there letting my mind run through all my thoughts and questions and I felt so helpless and clueless. Eventually, I fell back asleep dreaming about a place far from here or anywhere with Rosa and hanging out and having sleepovers like the old times with no worries and boy troubles and just fun like how it was.

But at the same time, the back of my mind was on a whole different topic, about my feelings and trying to think up answers to all of this. But at the same time, I didn't even know for sure.



~Alex <3

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