Running | Ralph (Part 1)

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(A/N: Not my drawing, credits to the owner)
Ralph x reader

Running. It was all I did, most of my memories include me running. Running from my problems, running away from trouble and everyone around me. You see it all started when I entered high school, I was smart for a kid my age, everyone started bullying me. That's how I got depressed, I occasionally had panic attacks when I think about it too much.


A hand waving in my face brought me out of my thoughts.

"Excuse me, ma'am? Are you still there?" The cashier asked.

"Oh um yes!" I replied, paying for my father's medicine.

Ever since mom died, I had been taking care of dad. She died of cancer, you see her dream was to give us the best. She accomplished her dream though, she was strong. We weren't really a rich family to be honest. So she always had to be the tired one, working day till night on three jobs.

I hadn't noticed that I was walking home until I got there, I unlocked the door and simply locked it when I got inside. I immediately heard coughing so I rushed to the source. Seeing my dad in a coughing fit. He couldn't stop coughing and he couldn't breathe because of that. I didn't know what to do, I rushed downstairs to get him some water but when I got back to him, I was too late.

He was gone.

I was all alone now.

I don't know what to do...

You fell on your knees and started crying. The hot tears flooding down your cheeks as you mourned.


You couldn't pay for your bills alone and you were kicked out of your apartment. After hours and hours of walking, you spotted a what seemed like an abandoned house from the distance. You ran to it, you climbed the fence, you accomplished it but earned a cut on the side of your calf, it was probably as long as your arm. It was deep. You gasped and even more tears escaped your eyes.

You walked inside and headed to what seemed like a living room. You looked at your wound. You didn't know what to do, the biggest cut you ever had was only an inch long, and it was never deep. You remembered how your mother would put some alcohol (the cleaning one) on it as you cried as a little girl. Your parents were very protective, which meant you didn't learn what to do in situations like these.

You stood up and walked around, to your dismay, an android with a knife approached you. He pinned you to the wall, the knife pointed to your throat.

(A/N: I'm not really a big fan of Detroit become human but I like Ralph and I know it a bit because of my big sister's fangirling so I don't really know what he says so I'll just guess)

"You are an intruder. Ralph does not like intruders." The android said, somewhat paranoid.

"Uh-Uhm, sorry?" You said. He held the knife so close to your neck that it was touching it.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I just saw this place! I didn't know someone lived in it!" You shouted, you feared your life. He puts his knife farther away.

"Please-" tears threatened to fall "I ju-just need a place to s-stay..." you stuttered.

"Okay Ralph will let human intruder stay" Ralph said. "But what is the human friend's name?" He added.

"(Y- (Y/N)...." you answered.

"(Y/N)... Ralph likes the name (Y/N)!" He gives you a tight hug. You were too shocked to react. You felt a jolt of pain from your calf. You immediately go on one knee, holding it, shutting your eyes as hard as possible. Then you remembered, the wound you got from the fence.

"Ralph is sorry! Did Ralph hurt (Y/N)?!"

"N-no, you did not, R-Ralph" you answered.
"I got it from climbing the fence" you added

Exactly 630 words! Not including this and A/N! Hope you enjoyed!

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