Running | Ralph (Part 2)

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Yassss another baby boiii Ralph! I tried to draw Ralph on my phone... Don't judge me! It's not my fault that my phone is small but has a good quality! 😂🙁😒


"(Y/N)... Ralph likes the name (Y/N)!" He gives you a tight hug. You were too shocked to react. You felt a jolt of pain from your calf. You immediately go on one knee, holding it, shutting your eyes as hard as possible. Then you remembered, the wound you got from the fence.

"Ralph is sorry! Did Ralph hurt (Y/N)?!"

"N-no, you did not, R-Ralph" you answered.
"I got it from climbing the fence" you added


Suddenly, you saw something in Ralph's eyes. Like he was thinking of something but he wanted to say it too.

"R-Ralph wants to help (Y/N)" he says, he sounded unsure though.

"Are you sure? I don't want to cause any trouble, I tend to be a burden..." You sighed, remembering that whenever you forgot something at home, your parents would rush to school to give it to you.

You had just turned 18 a week ago, I mean since it's usually the legal age, you thought that you might get a part time job or something.

"(Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N) (Y/N)" Ralph repeated and repeated until you snapped back to reality. He still didn't stop. You gripped into his shoulders and started shaking him. You looked up at him. You realized that you were so short compared to him. (Like Luther to Kara)

"Ralph?" You questioned, you were so irritated that you shouted at him.

"RALPH!!" you screamed. He looked down on you and frowned. Something about the face he gave you made you feel so guilty.

"I'm sorry, I.. I just... I told you I was a burden..." you frowned, looking down. You always forgot things at home, you always burnt the food you cooked, you even forgot to feed the baby when you were babysitting your neighbor's infant. You went back to reality when you felt two strong arms wrap around you.

Those strong arms relocated themselves, one under your knee, and one under your back. He was careful not to touch your wound as he carried you to the couch. He slowly and gently laid you down and left. He came back with a piece of cloth, clean water, a fabric bandage (the one you wrap around a wound) and a clean batch of clothing.

"Ralph wants to help (Y/N)! B-because (Y/N) is nice to Ralph and Ralph appreciates it." Ralph stuttered a little, he was just probably thinking of words that he should say.

"Ralph! You shouldn't have..." you felt your chest go warm, that was so sweet. He put the stuff down and slowly lifted your leg, his hand under your ankle as he wetted the piece of cloth and gently dragged it on your wound, his gaze kept moving from your calf to your face. He was looking at your expression to see if he was cleaning it too hard. I mean it hurt a lot, you grabbed onto his shoulder using your left and dug your nails into it.

Time went slow as he cleaned your wound but soon after, he had already bandaged your calf and he was already handing you some clothes to change into.

Hope you enjoyed! 544 words in total! Personally, Ralph is my number 1 favorite character. Tell me yours in the comments!

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