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Wearing high heels and a short red dress, they said she could have shown a little less.

Purple lipstick on, she was walking back home, not wanting to linger on the streets.

One, two, three, they appear out of nowhere looking for fun, they promise they can take her ''to another land''.

One step taken and they grab her by her arms, whispering nightmarish words.

A wild viscous kiss, they touch her skin, signing the scene on her mind with permanent ink, saliva and sweat.

When shouts come out, she gets hit, so she hushes, eyes shut until everything's over.

She dared to sue them and they all said: She was looking too pretty, too late, too lonely. Too many senseless excuses.

It was past midnight, he'd drunk too much to even stand up.

Staggering through the shadows of an unforgettable soirée,

He heard distorted footsteps a second before the beast jumped on him.

He fell on the floor after being pushed by the monster and kicked about until the wolf bit him. One bite on the neck, lips on his back and further down.

Just as he did when he was a child, he veiled his eyes with a sheet to scare the dark creatures away, but this time the sheet was watery.

The wolf growled on his ear, forcing him to stay still, as he was hungry for flesh, so he had to imagine it wasn't real.

Later on, when he confessed, they said: Too weak, not too manly, too corny. Too many senseless excuses.

It was not because of her being too pretty, too late, too lonely that she was gangbanged.

It was not for his being too weak, not too manly, too corny that he was interfered.

It was because of their abusers, those who got away with their crimes, leaving unhealed scars on them.

It is never too late, the boys, the girls, they are never too pretty, too weak. Those are always too senseless excuses. 

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