Heart-Warming Story (Sort of...)

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So earlier, I got a call from a friend of mine.

No, It's not some tragic news or anything. (I knew you were thinking something bad was about to happen.) But, no. I don't have the life of a fictional character.

So let me tell you a little bit of a back story.

My friend and I are currently going to a OneRepublic concert. Our other friends are going to a One Direction concert... on the same day.

A couple of hours ago, I got a call from my OneRepublic concert buddy.

"Hey, Reese. You know how Zoe and Ivy are going to that One Direction concert?"

"Yeah. What about it? I already know it's the same date as OneRepublic".

"Well, Zoe asked me to go with her".

I got kind of nervous because, I know that my friend really likes 1D, "What?"

"I decided that I wasn't going to bail on you even though I REALLY like 1D."

"So, I still have a concert buddy?"


I felt happy. I know, that sounds really selfish but, My friends really mean a lot to me and if they were to bail on me again and again, it would slowly decrease our friendship. I wouldn't want that and neither would she.

JL, If you're reading this, you better be happy that I made a chapter about you making me happy.


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