Bleach Fanfic - Chapter 2

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Little by little, my senses returned. FIrst, I no longer felt empty. I still couldn't move, see or hear, but suddenly I I was someone. Like I had an existence. Like time was actually passing, and I was simply waiting for the rest of my body to catch up.

And it finally did. Next was touch. I could feel....a light wind whipping all around me. Across my face and hair, I could...hear my clothes being ruffled by it. Finally I was able to wiggle my fingers and toes, and it felt as if I was lying in a patch of cool grass.

Hmmmm... I wonder why I'm laying in some grass? But it feels so good here....I guess I'll just stay here. I take a deep breath and then sigh. I feel so peaceful here!

Let's see, while I relax here....what's the last thing I remember? Hmmmm....I home....laying in my bed....when I put on the wierd necklace thing that this wierd guy gave me and.....then I put it on and it did something really wierd and.....WAIT! HUH?!?!?!

Everyhitng no longer felt peaceful and I suddenly began to panic. I gasp and my eyes shoot open. What I see before me shocks me again.

Just inches above my face I see a two, large brown intense eyes gazing down at me. The eyes belong to a young man with orange spikey hair wearing what looks like a school uniform. Oh yeah, and another thing. He looks like an anime. He's like, drawn!

Just when I thought it wasn't possible my eyes open wider and I think I scream. I try to sit up, but in doing so I smack my head against the orange haired kid's.

Man that hurt! I put my hand up to my forhead trying to comfort it and look back at the kid who was staring at me. It seems I knocked him out or something....He looks all loopy and has a pulsing knot on his head....just like when anime characters get hit in the head in the shows that I watch...and it's supposed to be funny. And it did actually look pretty funny...

But the kid....was Ichigo. Ichigo Kurosaki, from Bleach. My all time favorite anime. Either this was the best dream of my life, or whatever that man on that bus said from yesterday was true. Looking around, I could see that everything, including myself, looked drawn. It an anime. Like Bleach!

But...who was I? Where was I? At what....episode was I? I decided that I should run away and avoid people, especially main characters like Ichigo, until I knew more about what was going on.

Before he could snap out of whatever happened when we bumped heads, I jump to my feet and prepare to run. I feel a little dizzy at first, and I look at my surroundings. I'm at the Karasu river. I've seen this place countless times when watching Bleach, and it's...beautiful. The sun is setting and casting a purple-orange light over the water...the sight is somehow that much more amazing because I'm experiencing it while in the anime.

 But I have to get outa here somehow!

I notice a black backpack that looks a lot like mine from the real world, and it looks full. It isn't Ichigo's, his bag is still slung over his shoulder. I make a quick decision to grab it and start running. I run until I'm out of sight of the river and entering town.

As I whip around my first street I hear Ichigo yelling for me to wait up. There's no mistaking it, that's Ichigo's voice. I would like to say this was a dream but...everything about it was too real. Was I the world of Bleach?

Ichigo's POV

 Today was a...suprisingly peaceful day. I mean, sure there have been some strange occurences around town. Okay, more than strange. All my life  have been able to see and communicate with spirits.I feel it is my duty to protect and defend them, since  nobody else can really do it. Some are pretty annoyng though.

However, there was usually nothing more than the occasional knocked over flower vase to pick up, disrespectful bullies to teach lessons to...until I met Rukia Kuchiki, a Soul Reaper sent to world of the living to exterminate hollows. She injured herself trying to protect me and my family, and lended me her soul reaper powers to finish up the job.

Ever since then my life has been pretty crazy, as I became Karakura Town's Substitute Soul Reaper. I agreed to fight off hollows until Rukia gets better so I could protect the people I care about. And let's just say a lot of crazy things have happened in between.

Lately though, things have really cooled down. In fact no one, not even Rukia, bothered me after school today, so I decided to take a walk down at Karasu River. The sun was just setting and looked really nice on the water.

Everything was good and uneventful until...I saw a girl lying passed out right next to the river. She looked....I don't really know how she looked. It was wierd. From my distance it was obvious that she was unconscious, her bag just a few feet from her as if she was doing the same thing as me, walking along the river, and then suddenly passed out.

As I got closer I noticed that she was wearing a school uniform, my school uniform. Which was wierd, because I had never seen her in my life. Come to think of it though, I've never been really good with names and faces...

There was something else wierd about the girl. Her spiritual pressure...was not human. At least, it didn't feel like an ordinary person's. In fact, I have never encountered anyone who's spiritual pressure felt like this.

What's even more strange...her body gave off some kind of glow. A faint light poured from her...what the hell??

She didn't look dangerous though...but I've learned about judging things based on how they look, starting with Rukia.

I decided to get a little closer to her, since she was still out cold. As I got closer I saw that she looked about my age. She hard dark skin and big curly hair fanned out around her head like some crazy halo.

As I finally approached her, I noticed her limbs start to twitch. Damn it! I woke her up...

But that's when I noticed....In the center of her chest was a severed soul chain. But something was odd about it. First the was bright red! I had never seen a ghost with that color chain....

But this girl couldn't be a soul...she couldn't be dead. There was an undeniable physical presence to her. She was definitely alive, I could feel it somehow.

I decided to kneel down and get a better look at her...maybe if I got closer she would look familiar. I stop just inches from her face, trying hard as I can to recognize her.

Eventually I froze, there was something familiar about her.....

And then girl's eyes opened, they were a deep purple color. Those eyes......they looked frightened.

Before I could try to tell her the calm down and that I wasn't gonna hurt her, she headbutts the hell outa me trying to get up really quickly and the world goes black for a little moment....Damn it that hurt!

When I finally come to and open my eyes, all I see is her and her black bag disappear around a corner.

"Hey, wait! Stop! Tell me who you are!!" I yell towards her,  but I know she's long gone and has no intention of stopping to talk to me. Well, so much for my uneventful day.

Author's Note:

So yeah, I'm probably not the best at giving Ichigo's perspective but....I'm trying : ) I just thought it would be cool to give both character's POVs. Thx for reading : ) : ) : )

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