Bleach Fanfic - Chapter 13

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Ichigo's POV

'Hmmm....Kon did well' I think as I take in the makeshift room he had prepared for us in the old abandoned warehouse/former training area. 'But it was probably to make up for some perverted thing he did to some girl while he was in my body...' I conclude, slight irritation at the thought.

Still though, he followed my orders almost exactly.

To the side I could see the girl's black backpack that I had kept for her while she was at Urahara's and slightly over to the other side I could see some stuff that looked familiar to me as well. Kon had even set up a sleeping area for us! 

There were two sleeping pads with blankets and pillows a few feet from one another. I'm not gonna lie....I'm pretty exhausted after today. I wasn't really able to sleep last night because I was super anxious about how this would all turn out. Now that I was here...with the girl...well I wasn't really sure what to do from this point and really just wanted to rest and think about that stuff later.

I had planned on interrogating her tonight but I don't think that's how things are going to turn out.

Finally,after appraising Kon's work, I turn to the girl. Those weird feelings from earlier don't seem to be returning so I allow myself to look her in the eyes( even though she probably would have made me do it anyways).

"So, it ain't ideal but this is where we're crashing for tonight. Your bag is over there if you need to like, change or anything. Uhm...." I trail off not really sure what to announce next.

She just continues to give me that look from earlier, the one filled with emotion, although this time without the tears. I don't know how to that moment she had me caught in her gaze.

Finally she breaks it.

"Why, Ichigo? You have no reason to do these things for trust me. To be so kind. So why?"

Her voice doesn't waver. There is honest curiosity in it. It isn't burdened with the same impatience and desperation that mine was when I questioned her that time we fought the Despite the emotion her eyes reflected, she was cool and collected.

And in all truthfulness, I didn't have an answer. 

"Look....whatever your name is-"


A certain relief comes over me when she reveals her name. Like our connection is little by little becoming clearer and stronger.

"K-Kameko?" I say tentatively, not really trusting such a beautiful name on my tongue. Wait, did I really just think that? Whatever..."Well, like I said earlier, everyone deserves a chance. Also," I think of this suddenly, "You saved me a few times, technically. Think of it as returning the favor sorta."

She did pull me out of those hollows' way quite a few least this reasoning was a little more logical than my thoughts regarding the girl these past few hours.

Her eyes shift downwards, face still in deep thought as if turning my words around in her head, considering them. A few seconds pass by in silence.

"Thanks again, Ichigo. I may not understand it...hell I don't understand anything that's been going on since I got here...but I'm happy that you're on my side." She finally says with a smile.

"Yeah well...let's try to get some rest till morning, yeah? There's some empty rooms over there," I point to the location I'm referring to " if you want to change and stuff. Once again sorry about this not being a normal place but I promise I'll have something better soon."

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