Bleach Fanfic - Chapter 3

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Girl's POV

After sprinting  for about ten minutes, I finally stop to catch my breath. Phew! That was close! I mean, don't get me wrong.  Ichigo is my FAVORITE Bleach character but.....I need to assess the situation. I don't wanna go ruining plots and things like that....

Plus, I mean what was I gonna say to him? Oh, yeah you see I am from what's called the 'real world' and you are just a cartoon, but somehow I became a part of your world and yeah....

Considering the stuff he goes through though, it probably wouldn't shock him too badly...

But back to me, back to now. I am alone....I don't know anyone here, and I don't who I am supposed to be. 

I feel myself start to panic, and I clutch my chest to calm my racing heart. But something doesn't feel right.....

I look down and see that I am holding something red and metallic, the same color as that necklace that guy gave me in the real world. It felt....warm? Almots like it was it was a part of me. Holding it out I see that it's a.....soul chain?!?!

What!!! Am I dead?! I'm a spirit?? Damn it, now I'm gonna be chased by hollows, can't even make real friends, am gonna be sent to the soul society, and I won't even have any cool powers!!!!

However, I know that I can't be dead. I mean, from the panicked faces and occasional shrieks of people in the streets as I  frantically raced past them, there's no way they didn't see me. And there's no way that many people have the ability to see spirits. I mean, sure Karakura Town is full of people with high spirit energies but.....there's just now way.

Also,this chain. It isn't normal. I mean, it's red. All the ones that I've seen on Bleach are the typical metallic silver. No matter how different the spirits may look from one another, their soul chains ALWAYS looked the same, at least in terms of color.

So why is mine different? Could I be something....special? I guess there's only one way to find out.

That man on the bus, he looked like Mr. Urahara. If anyone in this world is knowledgeable about wierd spirit beings like whatever I may be, it would be him. Whether that WAS actually him that I saw and talked to on that bus or not, he's my best bet to finding out what I am in this world.

I am scared and alone, but atleast now I have an objective in mind. I have to get to Mr. Urahara's shop!

Not really sure where I'm going, I set off, finally with purpose. With Ichigo( hopefully ) far behind me, I decided to continue at a normal pace. Thinking about my soul chain, I wonder why nobody has stopped and, like, looked at it. I mean, it's a freaking bright red chain. Attached to the center of my chest. I could try to hide it, but it'd be no use.

Yet, nobody seems to have reacted to it. Maybe....they can't see it? Maybe only people like Ichigo can see it? I know that he noticed it, or he wouldn't really bother noticing me.

More questions for Mr. Urahara, I guess.

Not really sure what direction to head in to get to Mr.Urahara's, I wander for a while, unable to resist entering the cool little shops and stores. Everything is so...animated! Literally! Things that were simple and uninteresting in the real world suddenly were intriguing. I couldn't help but want to see and touch everything.

Well, since I don't really know where I'm going, there's no sense in rushing, right? I'm bound to run in to Mr.Urahara's eventually. Let the detours begin!

Ichigo's POV

It's already been a few hours since I saw that girl, and for some reason I can't stop thinking about her. I mean, who was she? What was she? She wasn't....human. Totally human, at least. She had that freaky red soul chain. And she....had a strange aura to her.

I should have chased her. She could be in danger. A soul with spiritual pressure like hers is bound to attract hollows. Or was she even a soul? She seemed....alive? And her eyes.....there was something about them. Her face....her. She seemed, like I knew her from somewhere. But where?

Hmm...what if she was the danger?

Damn, this is fustrating! I pick up the pillow that I'm laying my head on and chuck it towards the ground.

"Ahhh! Ichigooooo!!! Are you trying to kill me!!!" I hear an extremely annoying voice screech in terror.

"Shut up, Kon. You can't die like that anyways." I say absentmindedly. There's just so much to think about lately. I haven't had this much time to do nothing in a while. It's....wierd. And then that girl shows up.

I feel something soft and plushy land on my stomach. I turn my gaze from the cieling to whatever it is.

"Kon, what the hell are you doing?!" I turn to see Kon doing some wierd dance on my stomach. It kinda tickles. "Get the hell off a me!"

"Noooo!! Not until I get my revenge!!" Why does Kon insist on yelling every sentence at the top of his lungs? Or whatever they'd be called, since he's a stuffed animal.

I pick him up by one of his arms and swing him around my head like a helicopter. It probably hurts him but.....serves him right.

Just when I'm about to toss him out the window, I hear the closet door sliding open and I stop.

"Ichigo, what's going on?" Asks the overly serious voice of Rukia.

Feeling guilty, I turn around and say, " Huh? What? Oh nothing, just showing Kon the view, that's all!! Hehe...."

As I say this, I have to cover Kon's mouth with my hands to keep him from blowing my cover.

Finally I get serious.

"So hear anything lately? Any jobs I need to take care of?" It's just so strange how quiet it's been lately...and then that girl showing up today. I feel....uneasy about it.

"Uhmmm nope! Everything's been pretty quiet lately, I guess you get another afternoon off. You wanna see my chappy drawings?" Rukia asks, changing the subject.

"What, huh? No!!" I yell, never wanting to see those ugly things again. When I see how hurt Rukia looks, I try to cover it up.

"What I mean is...., I really just need some air and I wanna go on a walk. Yeah, that's what I mean. Come on Kon!"

"Huh, what! No I wanna stay with Ruuukiaaa!!!" He screams as I force him out the door with me.

I have already decided that I want to look for that girl. I don't know if I might encounter something bad and need to use my soul reaper powers so....I brought Kon along. I wouldn't do it otherwise.

As I cross streets in the fading sunlight, I wonder why I still haven't told Rukia about the girl. It was like....something was telling me to keep her a secret. At least....for now, anyways.

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