The Crazy Journey

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    That morning we woke up extremely early, it was like 5:30 a.m.
        Before we started to hit the road we went over to next door to ask Coby for the description of Sam. He said that she had bleached blonde hair and her eyes changed colors. They changed from green to blue. She's really short, like five, two. Coby also gave Ryan a dog whistle for he can translate from Ryan to us, for we can get updates and all that.

     We then packed up the car and I made Ryan and Randy sit in the back.

      "Hey, can we at least listen to some music?!" Ryan asked.

   "Ryan you already know what's going on, I barley know what I'm doing. I just really need to concentrate on driving. Why would you even ask a question like that."

        "Well why are you even doing it then, if it's illegal?"
    I just ignored him. Where's it going to get me if I just start arguing with a ten year old.

   "Just try to go to sleep like Randy and hope that nothing dangerous happens, or no polices pulls us over."

          "Ok, but mom and dad are even more fun than you."

  I just ignored him on that one again.

      Within an hour or so of driving, the car started slowing down. Then it stopped. Then all of a sudden I heard a quiet toot toot. It was coming from the back seat.
  Ryan and Randy then woke up. Then Ryan put his ear on the dog whistle as it was tooting and vibrating.

     "What is it?!" Randy yelled.

    "Coby said that the ghosts are trying to stop us, and to get out of the car right now. Somehow they found out that we're going to St. Louis and trying to get in our way."

  We then got out. The car started shaking and smoking. I then realized that it was overheated.
          It was the ghosts messing with us.
   Don't panic! Don't panic! Just wait until it cools down, it's still early. You're going to catch that flight. You're going to stop all of this madness. You're going to save your family and the world. You will win! Don't let these ghosts mess with your mind and confidence. I thought as I tried to calm myself down.

   When I finally calmed myself down, I lifted the hood up for it can cool down faster.

     "Hey I wonder how they overheated the car and it's the end of fall. Ryan said.

  "They have powers and can cast spells." I told him.

          "Aww yeah, I kind of forgot about that part."

        "Rachel this is messed up. Why would you drag us out here and you knew something like this was going to happen. I should've just went with my first thought, by going on the trip with mom and dad!" Randy snapped.

  Great! This was the last thing I needed an argument, I thought to myself.

       "Randy! Please! I don't need this, but if we weren't going doing this, those ghosts were going to torment us until we go to college. And who knows, they might follow us to college and they could follow us for the rest of our life. So if you didn't want that to happen, we were going to have to stop it sooner or later."

      "You do entirely the most and right now you're acting bipolar. Usually you don't get into this stuff, you're usually so scared of it. And now you're trying to be a superhero or something, you don't see anyone else in this town trying to stop it."

  "Well that's because the ghosts only get the people that moves next door."

      "You know what, I should've went with mom and dad on the cruise and left you in that house by yourself." Randy snapped.

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