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~The One With the Sonogram at the End: 3~

"Folks were really that bad huh" Joey asks Monica, he only got to hear me complain 30 min ago, and now Monica, we came to the coffee shop as soon as the parents left.

"Well y'know these people are pros, they know what they're doing. They take they're time. They get. The job. Done." Ross says

"You know they say you can't change your parents, boy if you could. I'd want yours." Monica says pointing to me and Ross, Monica was laying on the couch, Phoebe was sitting next to her feet, while Rach was picking up, Chandler was sitting in the stool, feet on the couch armrest. And Joey was sitting on the counter. Ever since last night and how my parents and Ross talked to me about Joey, i haven't sat too close in radius to him, im currently sitting on the armrest of Ross's chair. He gets up and kisses Monica's forehead

"Must pee" he says walking to bathroom as i casually take his spot

"Y'know it's worse when your twins" Phoebe says

"You're a twin?" Rachel asks

"Oh yeah, but we don't speak, shes like the high powered driving, career type" Phoebe says

"What does she do?" Chandler asks

"She's a waitress" Phoebe says rolling her eyes.

"Alright you guys, i kinda gotta clean up now" Rachel says to us

"Chandler you're an only child right? You don't have any of this?" Monica asks looking at Chandler as we get up

"Well no, although, i did have an imaginary friend who my parents actually preferred" Chandler says as we walk to the door. Joey walks over and holds the door open, as we say bye to Rach, i was the last one out when Joey poked me grabbing my shirt.

"Joey get the lights please" Rachel asked, Joey flicked the switch with his free hand and other hand still a hold of my shirt as we walked out.

"Oooh we left Ross" Monica said

"He'll be fine Rachel's in there" Chandler said as we walk up the stairs to our apartments

"Hey, you alright? You haven't really said anything other than when you came over to put your pjs on and we went to the coffee house" Joey said to me

"Yeah im good"

"What's wrong? You're not being annoying and talkative and its annoying me even more than it does" he says

"There's a sentence"

"No seriously whats wrong" Joey says stepping in front of me

"Can we talk about this later, i wanna go to bed"

"Ness we both know that 'later' means 'never'"

"Ok then let's 'never' talk about this" I say trying to walk away

"Its about what your parents told you about me isn't it?" He says

"How did yo-"

"Ness I may be stupid, but im not all stupid, i speak woman, i can tell when you're feeling embarrassed, or sad or what not. It just upsets me when you don't talk to me about it, y'know we're best friends and we tell each other everything"

"Yeah i know, sorry i just felt uncomfortable y'know" I say hugging him to move him outta the way as i dash up the stairs and into Monica's apartment and lock the door

"I'm sleeping here tonight" I say laying on the couch grabbing my blanket and pillow out of Monica's room that i leave here for these occasions.

Sandwich?♤Joey TribbianiWhere stories live. Discover now