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~The One With The Thumb: 3~

"Hi, how was the game?" Monica asks us as we walk into Central Perk. We just won a softball game with Alan

"Well..." Ross says

"WE WON!!!" Joey screams

"Fantastic! I have one question. How is that possible?" Monica asks us

"Alan and Ness" Joey says

"They were unbelievable it was like...hmm?" Ross says thinking

"It was like that one Looney Tunes cartoon where Bugs Bunny is playing all the positions at once but instead it was first base Alan or Ness, second base Alan or Ness, third base.." Ross continues

"Yeah well, Vanessa played softball from end of Junior High up until Senior year of High school. The team always won and she got medals and trophies allover her room. Hence why our parents love her. They even put them on display downstairs next to Ross's awards." Monica says

"You played softball?" Joey asks

"I mean it was like, it was like he made us into a team." Rachel says

"You played softball?" Joey asks again a little louder this time

"Yep, we sure showed those, Hassidic Jewllers a thing or two about softball" Chandler says

"YOU played softball" Joey says again and I ignore

"Can I ask you guys a question? D' you ever think that Alan is maybe.. sometimes.." Monica starts

"Sure go ahead ask us a question" I say sarcastically. She glares at me

"Ok here's a question......YOU played SOFTBALL?!" Joey says again

"What?" Ross asks Monica

"I dunno, a little too Alan?" She finishes

"Well no thats impossible. You can never be too Alan" Rachel says

"Yeah, its his, uh, innate Alanness that, that, that, we adore." Ross says stuttering

"I personally could have a gallon of Alan" Chandler says

"Yeah, be careful who you say that around buddy" I say to him


"Joey....Did you not hear Monica talk about how i played it for five minutes? Or were you too busy undressing that girl over there inside your head?"


"Y'know I'm just gonna let you think about what I just said again" I pat his back and go get my apron. I walk back and see Joey go wide eyed and look at me and mouth 'ohhhhh' Then he nods his head at me signalling he understands. I shake my head and stop Rachel from making coffee.

"A thumb?" Ross says looking at Phoebe, she nods

All: Eww

"No I know, I opened it up and there it was just floating in there like this tiny little hitch hiker." Phoebe says looking in her soda can

"Well maybe it's a contest y'know like collect all five?" Chandler says

"Um Chan, I don't think it's collect all five thumbs unless you have five hands"

"Well Ness we do have feet"

"And what a hand growing out of your ass?"

"She's right. Hands and feet is still four. Even Monkey's-"

Sandwich?♤Joey TribbianiWhere stories live. Discover now