Chapter 15

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Mariah's POV

Just Friends?

I love you more every day,

My name I long for you to say.

Do you know just how I feel?

Do you know this love is real?

Sometimes I wonder what you think.

When you hear my name, do your cheeks turn pink?

Do you dream about me every night?

Wish to hug me and hold me tight?

Do you think we're meant to be?

Together forever, you and me?

These are the questions that run through my mind,

Your way into my heart, you did find.

It drives me crazy as to what I should do,

Should I risk a friendship and confess to you?

Or should I keep my feelings inside,

Keep them locked up, let them hide?

I just don't know what to do anymore,

My heart it aches, my heart it's sore.

I love you more than you could know,

And I don't want to ever let you go.

So even if I'm just a friend,

I'll always love you until the end.


"Why am I at your house? In your room? Who are you?" I said trying to control my anger. "Well you were screaming in pain, and I'm you sister in-law" she said smiling like Chester the cat. "Sister in-law? Wait...You mean your Coles s...sister? I asked as she nodded again I notice that they do look alike same eyes, hair color, skin color and they both have the same smile "Don't worry I'm not going to hurt you I just wanted to see the hybrid Luna for myself" she said sitting at the edge of her black bed her room was my kind of style not girly and not to guyish but normal. "So you've seen me can I go now ?!" I almost yelled "Feisty! I love you already, and sure lets go for a run and I do mean are wolfs" there goes that Chester smile again that should be her nickname from me 'Chester'.

We made it outside toward the wood cross the street from her two story home which if you asked me looked awesome and modern.

"So tell me why you decided to kidnap me?" I asked as we made a stop in the middle of the woods "Well nobody was home except the maids and the butlers, I was walking to your house to finally see you then I heard you screaming in pain from going into heat so I decide why not take you away and calm you down" she said softly "Ok well thank you I guess but what you name?" I said "Oh dear me where are my manners, I'm Sarah" she said reaching her hands for a hand shake which I shook to be nice. "Well Hi I'm-" I was cut off "I know how you are sweetheart, Mariah Klein the Luna hybrid" she said with that stupid annoying Chester smile.

Sarah went behind a tree and started to strip then out of nowhere I heard bone cracking which almost made me barf, Sarah later came out a medium sized light brown wolf.

"Sweet heart shift" she said through mind link which scared the shit out of me

"Wait..How can you talk to me without moving your lips an how are you in my mind?" I asked

"It's called mind-link, every werewolves in packs can do it when they shift or in human form"

"So I can mind-link only people in my pack like Cole?"

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