I'm Not Your Boy [Part: 14]

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"Connor?" A quiet voiced called as I walked into the room.

"Thank God, you're alright!" I said, rushing towards the voice and putting my hand on top of the person's cold hand, a person I cared for deeply.

"What happened?"

"You had a heart attack." I told my father, making him groan.

"How? I'm not that old, am I?" He questioned, his voice fragile just like his body. I shook my head.

"They said it was from high cholesterol." I explained. He stared a me for a moment before giving me a weak chuckle. A smile formed on my lips as I realized why he found it humourous.

"Maybe I should've listened to you." He frangibly admitted before trying to sit up from his laying position, but he quickly groaned and laid back down.

"I was so worried about you."

"What's the worst that could've happened to me?" He inquired, making me knit my brows together.

"You could've died! I never would have seen you again. One of the last encounters with you I had was negative. I was afraid you would've died thinking I didn't care about you." I expounded, shaking my head in confusion as to why he didn't understand that already.

"Where's your girl?" He asked, startling me.

"I... I don't know...I looked and called but I couldn't find her..." I admitted.

"So you came here instead of looking for your missing girlfriend?" He scoffed. "You're either stupid, or an idiot."

"I'm sorry that I came here, but my father had a heart attack and almost died." I groaned at his stubborness. "I apologise if me caring for you is an inconvenience."

"All you do is care. You send me to group therapy to help me through my depression and alcoholism, I still hate it by the way, you call me at least once a week to see how I'm doing, and you leave just to come and visit me here... You make it seem like I'm someone worth caring about." He grumbles.

"That's because you are. You always are." I say. He shakes his head before giving me a weak smile.

"Thanks." He says, putting his other hand on top of mine.

"Mr. Anderson, is this your son?" A woman asked from behind me. I turned my head and saw an android in scrubs, a smile on her face, walking in with a man in a pink polo shirt and a white coat.

"Yes. Hi, my name is Connor." I said as I stood up and reached my hand out to the two, the man instantly shook it, the nurse following him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." The man said before turning to Hank, giving him a heavy sigh. "It's not good."

"Ah, just give it to me." My dad groaned.

"Well, the food you were eating wasn't the only reason your cholesterol was high... You see, your liver produces cholesterol and helps sort the toxins out of your body. In your case-"

"Give it to me straight, doc." Hank ordered. The man sighed once again before speaking.

"It's liver cancer. Primary liver cancer to be exact. It's caused by liver cirrhosis, which has been caused by your alcoholism." The doctor explains, making my body tremble.

"Is... Is it terminal?" I forced myself to ask.

"In his case it could be... But since it's primary we can conduct a transplant to remove the cancerous liver and give him a new one."

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