Chapter One: Doing Damage, Getting Under My Skin

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  AN: This fanfic takes place around and after the events of 6x17. Bonnie does, in fact, leave Kai in the 1903 Prison World but returns. This story will switch between Bonnie's perspective and Kai's, but mostly maintain Kai's POV as this centers around his little "problem" that followed him after leaving the 1994 Prison World. Enjoy!  


~ 2013 - Mystic Falls, Virginia - Salvatore Boarding House ~

Bonnie rounded on Elena as they stood in the kitchen, eyes wide as hot anger and disbelief flashed through her green depths. "What did you just say?"

Elena's brows knit together, casting a sidelong glance to Damon just as he returned from settling his mother in to one of the bedrooms upstairs. The jump from 1903 to the present had wiped her out and she was just wanting to sleep. He could sense the tension in the air, the anger practically seeping from Bonnie's pores as the Bennett witch turned her heated gaze from Elena to Damon.

"Whoa, okay. What did I miss?" He held his hands up, looking between both women. "Am I about to break up a cat fight of epic proportions here?"

"Damon..." Elena's voice was small, her hand reaching out to grasp at the hem of Damon's shirt.

Bonnie's nostrils flared as she took another deep breath, her chest visibly rising and falling. She watched Elena take a step toward Damon and the vampire cut his eyes to Elena and then to Bonnie. She could see the memory playing across Elena's face, only having seen this level of anger directed to her from Bonnie once before. And that was when she had turned her humanity off and tried to kill the witch. But Bonnie knew that Elena could sense it - could see that she was fighting everything she had to maintain her self-control. But it was quickly unraveling.

"Yo, what's the deal, Bon-Bon?"

Her sight line switched to Damon in a flash. "Is it true?" Confusion crossed his features and this only caused her anger to flare up further. "Is what Elena just told me the truth, Damon?"

"Wha-?" He looked to Elena, her expression pleading.

"Kai, Damon. About Kai. About what he did for her...on her birthday..." Bonnie watched as Damon's expression changed, going from shock and then guilt almost instantly. So he had known all along. "I thought you had told her..." Elena's eyes moved from Damon's to meet Bonnie's. "I-I thought you knew about it before we even left for the Prison World. I didn't know that you were planning to-"

"The truth, Damon! Now!"

Damon rounded on Bonnie, his mouth parted as she watched him struggle with what to say. It was all the proof she needed. Her eyes narrowed, her body visibly shaking before she stalked past him to pluck up the 1903 Ascendant from off the kitchen island. With swift, angry strides she made her way into the main living room area and with a flick of her wrist, a switchblade sailed from a desk drawer and into her right hand. Just as she clicked the blade free, a hand harshly pulled at her wrist and twisted it up so that her fist was parallel with her face.

"Bon, what do you think you're doing?"

"Let go of me, Damon!"

Instead, he strengthened his grip and she let out a sharp hiss from the pain. "Forget about Kai! He's a fucking psychopath! He deserves to be stuck in another Prison World! At least it's not Retro World 1994!" He flashed a dark, menacing smile that made Bonnie's stomach turn in knots. "He should be thanking us, Bon-Bon. We gave him a change of scenery."

"At whose expense?"

"Uh, no one's?"


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