Chapter Eleven: Safe And Sound

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  AN: Now we're getting to the part of why this fic is rated M. XD In all seriousness though, instead of hopping back and forth with the timeline so that you can see each perspective in the past, I'm just going to separate the bits with some divider marks. You'll see what I mean soon enough. Finally here, Bonkamily! =)  


Kai heard the muffled cries of someone straining against something on the other side of a door. When he pressed his hand against it, he blinked in surprise to feel how much magic was pushing back to his touch. The old feeling to siphon crept up under his skin, something Kai quickly tamped down as he shook his head to wash away the strong pull of the magic from the other side.

He knew that one of his children were inside, probably purging their feelings or taking their frustrations out in the very practice room he and Bonnie had created long ago in their home. Wards were put up to make sure that none of the magic would bleed out or damage other areas of the house - a place where they could freely teach their children magic and how to harness their powers. To use them only when necessary, or at least the bigger spells. He and Bonnie both had been guilty when it came to utilize basic spells around the house for tedious chores and the like.

Kai opened the door, his breath cut short at the overwhelming amount of power that hit him. He saw Abigail in the center of the room, her eyes closed as her hair rose above her neck while her lips moved quietly in her chanting. Several practice dummies were attempting to push against her barrier, animated from her own magic in order to serve as proper "sparring" partners. Even the dummies had traces of Bonnie's magic as well as his own - always ready to spring to life once the proper spell was initiated to activate them.

A memory crossed his thoughts, reminding him of the first time he and Bonnie had turned the damned things on. Bonnie had obliterated one of them in her frustration with Kai, stating that he was going to get them all killed before they could properly handle their magic. Kai had sucked some of the magic out of the dummies, re-conditioning them to go a little easier than they had originally been formed to behave.

He stood near the doorway, not saying anything. He didn't want to break his child's concentration. Abigail was the new Gemini Coven leader - the power of all of the witches laced into her body, his included. When he thought about how far she'd come, how she had recovered after The Merge with her twin, Thomas, he couldn't have been more proud of her. The circumstances for his own merge with Luke had been less than desirable. What aggravated him more was that he felt like The Merge was a ritual that should have been completely erased from their lives. He had tried so hard to find a workaround it, but had ultimately failed. It was something he would always be guilty for - a sin against Bonnie and the life he had promised to build together with her.

The strong hum of magic brought him out of his reverie, his eyes darting up to see one of the practice dummies sailing straight toward him. Kai held his hand out, halting the object while keeping it hovering just feet in front of him. The wind changed, the air practically saturated with magic as three more came flying at him. With his other hand, Kai snapped his fingers and they burst into flames before he threw his arms out and tossed all the dummies away from him and across the room. But what he hadn't expected was for Abigail to be in the place of where the original dummy had been, her eyes narrowed and hands curled at her side.

Kai screamed, dropping to one knee as pain exploded in the back of his mind. Abigail took slow, methodical steps toward him - her bare feet silent along the wooden floor. Beads of sweat broke out across her forehead, a smirk touching at the corners of her lips.

"You're getting slow, old man," came his daughter's voice, having dropped slightly from the strain of the magic.

He smirked, shaking his head despite the pain. "Nah, you're just a lot stronger now, Abby," he said through his teeth. Suddenly, Kai threw his hand forward. "Motus!"

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