Chapter Nineteen: I Ain't Sorry

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Kai closed the lid of his suitcase, clicking the latches down to secure that everything was safely tucked away where it needed to be. Everything was ready for the trip back to Mystic Falls. After the Wake, he contacted the funeral home back in Mystic Falls and scheduled for the proper day to have transport prepared for Bonnie's remains. She was in her coffin, magic coating her body from head to toe thanks to Kai and there was no need for an "embalming" process as most humans had to undergo after passing on from the land of the living. Bonnie was probably halfway to Virginia by now.

There was a soft knock on the door and Kai looked up as he lifted his suitcase off the bed and set it on the floor. When the door opened, it was Lonnie who was poking her head through the threshold again. She saw that he was packed and she beamed brightly at him. "You ready?"

He nodded. "Have the others left?"

"Yeah," she said, pushing the door open. She had a small travel backpack slung over her shoulder as her carry-on item and a duffel bag gripped in her other hand. "It sucks we all couldn't get on the same flight."

"It happens. Besides, this was a last-minute deal anyway." He placed a hand on her shoulder. "We were lucky to all get flights going out on the same day."

"I wish we could just teleport." Lonnie pouted, folding her arms across her chest in defiance.

He smiled, ushering her back out the door and they made their way downstairs. Max was waiting for them, his own messenger bag and mini rolling suitcase in tow. His son scoffed, rolling his eyes before he slid his aviators on over his face. "If teleporting were that easy, witches would do it all the time."

Lonnie stuck her tongue out at him. "We can teleport, jackass."

"I know we can," Max said, brushing some of his hair behind his ear. "But it also leaves us extremely vulnerable after we've done it. It's why it's not smart to do it too often."

Kai shook his head and smirked, motioning for them to hurry out the door so he could lock up the house behind them. "It's dangerous either way. I now declare this debate closed." He snapped his fingers and a ripple of magic could be felt behind them. They didn't need to look behind them to know that the house had been cloaked with a spell.

His other children were already on their way to Virginia, having secured tickets for them to head out earlier in the morning. Kai, Lonnie and Max would be heading out in the afternoon. It was probably better this way, seeing as how Lydia would be able to arrive and calmly explain things to everyone prior to his arrival. And if any of them got out of hand, Abigail would set the others straight. By force, if necessary.

The cab he'd called for earlier pulled up and once they all loaded their luggage, they were stuffing themselves into the back cabin and making their way to the airport. The drive to the airport was filled with laughter and light conversation. It had been a long time since they all were going to Mystic Falls. It wasn't like he or Bonnie hadn't encouraged their children to go and see their mother's hometown. There was history laced through every corner of that place. But Kai had a feeling that his children could sense their parents' initial reservation regarding the idea.

Bonnie had never voiced it out loud, but Kai could put the pieces together well enough on his own. She was always concerned that something bad would always happen the minute she stepped back into Mystic Falls again. She never believed that others were damned. Just the Bennett line. And if her children ever expressed desire to go when they were younger, Bonnie would have had no choice but to go with them. She certainly wasn't about to let them travel out there on their own and there was little Kai could have done back then seeing as he was constantly working as the Gemini Coven's leader. Add that to the pile of research he was trying to obtain to prevent The Merge from transpiring and there wasn't much Kai could do to help Bonnie with those problems. Not unless he went out of his way to do so, which he would have done, but Bonnie wasn't keen on letting him.

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