Chapter Twenty Two: Fan The Flames

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AN: TRIGGER WARNING - The following chapter contains disturbing graphic images, depictions of cruel torture and overall graphic violence. Reader discretion is advised.


~ 2013 - ?, Virginia - Outside of Mystic Falls ~

"Are you sure that this is going to work?"

Kai smirked as his hands trailed along the walls of the abandoned building, sending out tiny pulses of his magic throughout to cloak the structure. "Trust me, it's going to work."

He cast a backwards glance to Bonnie as she sat at a lone table in the middle of the room, sorting through an array of books as a lamp illuminated both her and the table. When he looked into her eyes, he didn't see trepidation or even worry lining her gaze. Bonnie had always been a bit reticent when it came to her emotions outside of anger and irritation. She had never spoken about her guilt or even apologized for having left him in 1903. Because in some way, she was justified. Kai knew this and had even said as much.

No. He had been the one who had something to apologize for; for having ruined her and almost breaking that Bonnie Bennett spirit and dousing that fire that he most certainly had come to appreciate over the last few months. A fire he'd appreciated since the first day he'd met her - both literally and figuratively. It had been an interesting journey for them both and one that Kai didn't want to cease having with her. There was still so much about himself that he needed to discover and understand - hell, maybe even nurture to a degree. But there was something about being with Bonnie that had amplified that need more than anything.

He needed her. He could say that now and say it without shame. He just wouldn't say it out loud - not without something to back it up. Not to her.

"You know," she said, her voice an echo along the walls of the building, "there is a part of me that wants to know how you even got access to a place like this."

He chuckled as he crossed the empty space and slid into the chair across from her. "Yeah?"

Bonnie rolled her eyes before pulling out a map from underneath a pile of books. "The other part of me doesn't. So don't tell me. I don't want my morals getting in the way of this." She unfolded it to reveal that it was a full map of Virginia. "Not today."

Kai fished into his pants pockets and pulled out a small vial of blood. There was barely any in it - a few drops at best. But he knew that it would be more than enough for Bonnie to be able to find what she was looking for. He held it out to her and she immediately twisted off the cap and dropped a single dab of it onto the map.

"Phasmatos Tribum, Nas Ex Veras, Sequitas Sanguinem."

The blood on the map began to move slowly - showing a path that was leading toward Mystic Falls. Kai couldn't help but notice the dark smirk that was starting to play at the corners of her lips. Not that he didn't mind this darker side of her, but that was something he wasn't sure Bonnie was ready to actually touch. Not yet. She was the "good guy" and sometimes that got in the way of her surviving. He was all about her being selfish when it came to protecting her own life.

But this? This was a different path and he didn't know if Bonnie was truly ready to walk it. Kai didn't mind because what did he care about Lily Salvatore? Like he'd told Damon, his own coven had fucked up when they decided to let her live instead of executing her on the spot. This was the Gemini's mess. These situations wouldn't even be a factor had his ancestors grown some damn balls and killed all those blood sucking bastards the minute they stepped off the boat.

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