Chapter Eighteen: Somewhere I Belong

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~ 2013 - Mystic Falls, Virginia - Bennett Home ~

Bonnie felt unusually relaxed, her body sinking into the cushions of what she had believed to be the couch. But what was strange was how she was stretched out, noting that she never could stretch out fully on the couch before. Eyes opened slowly, attempting to focus on the world around her. The familiar scene of her bedroom, however, soon came into view and the weak, morning rays pooled in through the curtains. She could see it reflected off her wall. Blinking for a few more seconds to adjust to the lighting, Bonnie took a deep breath and then realized that her stomach was strangely warm.

An arm lifted up to peer under the blanket. But before she even took notice of a limb draped over her waist, Bonnie felt a deep breath inhaled against the back of her neck - causing soft goosebumps to pepper across her skin. Her fingers ghosted along the knuckles of the person she immediately recognized, even if she didn't take note of the rings on their digits.

Craning her neck slowly, Bonnie tried to peer over her shoulder but was met with resistance as Kai pulled her body even tighter against him. She gave a soft gasp, eyes widening as she attempted to figure out just what the hell had happened last night. When had he made it home and just how long had she been asleep? Had she been sleepwalking or was Kai the one who carried her to her bedroom?

He moaned softly against her skin and Bonnie wasn't sure how much longer she was going to be able to handle this close proximity with him. Relief, happiness and even a slight feeling of dread washed over her. The fact that she felt relief at all - waking up with Kai beside her? It disturbed Bonnie more than she would care to admit at that moment. But something eased the pressure in her chest when she felt Kai taking another deep breath, his chest expanding along her back and feeling his nose dip into the curve of her neck.

"Kai?" she called softly. There was no answer - only the rhythmic sound of his breathing.

And here lies the dilemma.

Gently, Bonnie turned in his arms so that she could face him. Kai sucked in a deep breath through his nose, his lips parting slightly as he tried to nestle himself further into the pillow. Her eyes roved his face before traveling down the length of his body - taking note that he was still fully dressed. She frowned, her brows knitting together slightly as her hand moved to gently glide her fingers along his brow. They twitched in response to her touch and she bit her lip to keep herself from laughing. Bonnie never really paid attention to it before - not fully - but Kai looked incredibly innocent when he slept. The irony was that he was anything but in his waking hours.

"Kai, wake up," Bonnie urged again, her hand having slipped down over his shoulder and giving it a gentle shake. "You're still dressed."

He moaned softly, his lips forming into a thin line and shaking his head gently. He looked like a petulant child trying to fight against being woken up to go to school.

She nudged him again, resisting the urge to laugh. "At least get comfortable."

"I am comfortable," he murmured, his voice raspy and thick with sleep.

Bonnie shook her head, rolled her eyes and smiled. "You don't look it."

"I am."



She pursed her lips together and wiggled against him, shaking him further and Kai frowned - the gesture resembling the onset of a toddler's tantrum and she really did laugh this time. Kai groaned, moving his arms off her body so that he could groggily lift his shirt off. He threw it over her shoulder to the other side of the bed, shimmying out of his jeans and then kicking them out behind him onto the floor where it landed with a soft pat.

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