Chapter 18 // Not dead

4.8K 151 361

Word count: 2858 

Start: July 9

End: July 12



**Yurio's POV**

I'm hit with a big dose of reality, as I waking up to emergency technicians barking orders. I blink a few times, and then it hits me... (Y/N)!

We're at the hospital and people are moving, wasting no time. (Y/N) is carted off on the gurney, with one person beside her doing chest compressions. Another, pushing the gurney giving the doctor's waiting, a full report about her condition.

"(Y/N) (L/S), age 15. She was found unconscious, and deep slits in her wrists. Appears an attempt at suicide. There is a faint pulse but something is blocking her airway. She's holding on but barely and soon she'll bleed out." The Paramedic rambled off. The EMT's pass her on to the doctors and followed.

"Take her to trauma one!" We got it from here." A tall, raven-haired male doctor says to the EMT doing compressions. His team took over. They took over compressions and tried to stop her from bleeding out. They were yelling and ordering medication left and right as they went down the hall. I kept following while tears are running down my face. She can't die I think to myself... It can't be my fault she dies.

They arrive and transfer her onto the bed. The team of 4 doctors rush around, each doing their job to keep her alive.

The doctor doing compression yells in frustration, "Compressions are not working, but there is still a faint pulse." Then, (Y/N) makes a sound, like she's choking. Water starts coming from her mouth. "Turn her on her side!" The team does and water is coughed up, spilling all over the floor.

"Patient is breathing." One guy says.

"We still need to stop the bleeding!" one shouts. "She missed her arteries on her left wrist, but the right is bleeding too much. If we don't do something she will die!" Everyone rushes and one starts to apply pressure.

"Hang another bag of O-neg!"

"She is still bleeding too much! I going to apply a tourniquet." One of the guys said.

Then, the monitors start beeping.

"She's brachycardic! We're losing her! Start compressions!" A short, brunet doctor yells.

"Someone get the kid out of here!" A tall, blonde female doctor barks. Then the dreaded sound hits me.

"She's flat-lining!!" An older guy says.

"Someone get me a crash cart, now!!!" A nurse flees and retrieves one from the hall. Then turns to me.

"No, I'm not leaving!" I shout at them. I start really balling, and behind the nurse I see that doctor trying to resuscitate (Y/N).

"Clear!" The brunette shouts. "Get him out of here! CLEAR!!" And nothing happens.

As the nurse starts to drag me out as I see (Y/N) unresponsive. "NO! I'm all she has right now! You can't!" I lower my voice, "Please... I can't leave her."

"Again, CLEAR!" The beeping slows. "We have sinus rhythm." She declares with a relief.

"Sorry." the nurse says to me.

I resist and fight him. "She's my best friend!" I whisper as the tears keep flowing.

"Just let him stay." The brunette girl says. Annoyed as can be, the nurse leaves me alone.

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