Hope less Romantics

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Lance's P.O.V:

We went to Hunk's Cafe so celebrate. It was an awesome party.
Keith and his group came as well. We just danced and celebrated all day.  While I was dancing with Pidge and Keith. I grabbed Keith's hands. He was surprised but We danced together for a while.

"Lance, can I ask you something" Keith asked, looking at me.

" of course" I replied with. I couldn't help at blush at the fact that his purple eyes where looking at me.

"Do you want to go on a date sometime" He asked.

"Wait R~really!!?" I asked, surprised

"Did I stutter" He laughed

" sure I'd love to go on a date with you, tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure,  I'll pick You up around 8" He said, smiling.

After the party everyone left exept Hunk and I, I promised to help him clean his Cafe for his Mom, whom is out of town.

A little after we cleaned up, My Mama and Luna came to pick me up. I grabbed my stuff and hopped into the backseat of the car.

I looked at my sister and Mom, My mom had her Brown hair in a bun, a black pants with flowers and and Spain's Soccer Jersey on. My sister had her looonnngg brown hair in a pony tail. She was wearing her softball clothes, cleats, super long purple socks, Grey pants, a blue belt, a baseball cap and her Purple Jersey, she was #32 on her team, The Panthers.

" I need to take Luna to softball but first thing to talk to you both" Mom said parking her car on the side of the road. " remember how your father and your older sister Veronica went on that little trip"

Luna and I both nod.
" well they were really going because your papa got a job up there and they went to go look at houses"

My eyes widened as she continued " they found a house and we'll move in about a month, we would move sooner but Luna has to finish softball and Luis and Marco have to finish soccer, so we're going in a month because that's when all of your sports end"

" Mom, I just found my place"!! I blurted out. She looked at me with worried eyes " people finally look at me like I'm not some loser, and Keith is taking me out on a date tomorrow, I can't move!!!!"

" you have a month to figure this all out, Veronica and Dad have already started finding people to help us move, I think you guys will like it there, it's in Cuba, it's really nice and the house is pretty big, you, Luna, Luis, Veronica, and Marco will fit right in there"

"Mama, can we talk about this later, we have the game I need to go" Luna said.

Mama sighed and asked. "Lance, do you want me to drop you off at home or do you want to watch your sister's game"

" drop me off at home" I said, My tone was harsh, I didn't mean it to sound  like that. But I was so mad, I was so gloomy at that moment, I'd have to leave Keith and his sister and his friends, Shiro, Matt, Allura, Coran, Pidge, and Hunk. I was so angry...but I knew what could help me with that.

My Mama dropped me off and headed to Luna's softball game. I sat on the porch and called someone.
She answered the phone and I could hear her breathing heavily.

"What's up Lance, we haven't talked in a while" She said.

" are you at the boxing place right now?" I asked.

" I'm always here, Lance, of course , you sound angry get the gloves that I bought you for your birthday and come down, let it all out" she replied.

" I'll be right there" I said before I hung up and went to get my gloves.

I had arrived at the boxing Gym and I saw her, along with 2 others, I ran to her and hugged her.

She hugged back as I said " thanks so much, plaxum" Plaxum was just her nickname, her real name was Mia but everyone who knows her calls her Plaxum. I looked over her shoulder and saw that Nyma and her Brother Rolo, where also here. I high fived Roll and gave Nyma a hug.

" 0h, Lance, before we start training I want to tell you something," Plaxum said, Grabbing Nyma's hand.

"We're dating!" Nyma exclaimed, happily kissing Plaxum on the cheek.

" really that's awesome, I'm happy for you guys" I said as I put the gloves on. Roll grabbed my arm and headed over to a set of punching bags.

" thank you for saving me from Universe known as third wheel" He said.

I laughed and trained with him, The night went by fast and I got all my anger out. I went home around 11 and fell straight to sleep on my bed.
This was a short chapter, but at least I actually got around to wrighting it. I actually might wright chapter 8 today to so, I'm psyched.

Hope y'all enjoyed, from now on I update every week at the max, twice a day at the minimum.

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