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"Mom I don't want to go to work with you," the sixteen-year-old boy wined from the bed in his mother's bedroom as she finished her makeup.

It was Monday and school had been canceled for the teen so his mother wanted to take the chance to take him to her work.

"Stop bitching about it Aiden I'm not changing my mind, now go get dressed," the woman snapped.

She wasn't always mean, but Aiden would fight her to the end if she didn't put him in his place.

Grumbling about how stupid it was that he had to go, Aiden got off the bed and left for his room that was upstairs.

Opening his closet he pulled out his favorite pink sweater and a pair of white skinnies.

Everything with Aiden was pastel, he liked everything cute.

He may have been a second year in high school, but that didn't stop him from keeping his favorite plushies on his bed.

Changing into the clothing he put in white cotton socks and matching baby blue vans.

Satisfied with his outfit he went to his bathroom and combed his natural black hair and put his fake glasses.

Brushing his teeth and grabbing his phone, he met his mother at the front door.

They left the house and got in the car where Aiden sat pouting about the situation.

He wanted to stay home and watch movies all day, not go to his mothers work.

She was the assistant of some big CEO of an entertainment company.

And Aiden couldn't care less.

The boy may like cute things and cooed over baby animals and fluffy things, he himself was a different story.

He liked hard rock music and had a bit of an attitude at times.

His pretty brown eyes always ready to glare at people he found annoying, which was most people.

 He got his attitude and music taste from his father that was currently in Europe engaged to another woman.

Making it to her work, his mother parked the car in a spot and got out, expecting her son to follow.

Noticing he had yet to move her irritation grew, "Aiden, get out here now. You are sixteen, not seven. I should not have to put up this kind of fight to get you to do something so simple."

Not wanting to anger the woman anymore, Aiden got out of the vehicle and stood next to the woman.

A smile crossed her lips, "There you go, now come on and behave."

Not bothering to answer, Aiden followed her into the front lobby.

Walking up to the receptionist, his mother greeted the woman that sat there.

"April this is my son Aiden, Aiden this is April," she gestured between the two.

April and Aiden shook hands and exchanged greetings.

"He looks just like you Missy, same eyes," she cooed.

A laugh escaping the mother and son duo, April gave them a look, "What?"

It was Aiden that spoke up, "It's nothing. Just people say that when we're together but it's really my dad I take after."

Excusing themselves, Aiden and his mom took the elevator to the tenth floor where her office was.

Stopping in front of a door with his mother's name, Missy Adams, on it he was told to wait where he was for her while she put some things away.

Entering the room and closing the door behind her, Aiden was left alone in the hallway.

No other people in sight.

Getting bored after just a few seconds, Aiden took a seat on the floor across the hallway from where his mother disappeared off to.

Leaning his back against the door, he pulled out his phone and started checking his social media.

 Not having any time to react when the door that gave him support opened, Aiden fell flat on his back with a yelp.

Eyes wide, he stared up at the person looming over him.

The man's light brown eyes and defined features watching the boy below him.

"Well hello down there. Do you plan on laying in my doorway all day or are you going to move?" the males deep voice asks the teen.

A chill racing through the young boy's body.

And before he can reply or even stand his mother exits her own office.

"Oh, Mr.Lisk I was just about to come to find you," she said before her eyes drifted to her son on the floor who was staring back at the man  above him

"Aiden what are you doing child, get off the ground," Missy hissed as she grabbed the boys pale hands and yanked him up.

"Sorry," he mumbled looking at the ground, avoiding the males gaze as well as his mothers

His embracement showing on his reddening cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Mr.Lisk, please excuse my son," she said with a chuckle.

The male eyes the boy, from his small frame to his raven hair.

"It's alright  Adams. But I would appreciate a warning next time you bring your son to work," his deep voice inquired.

Missy apologized again and promised to ask permission next time.

Moving past the event, Aiden was told to follow the two that had work to do in one of the meeting rooms.

Following the two adults that were discussing things, Aiden didn't understand.

Taking his chance, Aiden examined the male's back.

His broad shoulders, and from the way his gray suit fit his body it was obvious he was well built.

Feeling eyes on him, the older male glances over his shoulder to make eye contact with the teen.

Feeling his face heat up, Aiden drops his gaze intently.

Smirking at the boy, he continued his discussion with Missy until they got to the meeting room where a few coworkers were already preparing for the meeting.

Aiden was told to take a seat next to the window and to stay quiet until everything was over.

Ten minutes into the meeting and Aiden was already asleep.

Sitting criss-cross in the chair sideways with his head resting against the glass.

After the meeting, everyone let out quiet groans of relief and stood to stretch.

Mr.Lisk's eyes landing on the sleeping teen across the room.

"Adams I have some things to do here still, go fill out the paperwork on your desk," he informed.

With a nod, she went to wake up her sleeping son but was stopped by the man that employed her.

"Let him be, it's no bother," he reassured.

Giving another nod, Missy left with the rest of the people leaving the two males.

Moving his computer to a set closer to the boy, the older male started going through some emails.

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