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( unedited)

Missy made a simple veggie and chicken pasta for the three of them, instructing her son to set the table while Julian stayed at the counter having been told not to help since he was a guest to the house.

When the food was dished out, Aiden sat next to his mother across from the man who continued to feed the woman compliments on her cooking as well as her home.

"So what exactly do you do for work?" Aiden finally asked, giving in to the curiosity that had been eating at him since he the well-dressed man.

Seeming only slightly taken up by the silent boy's question he gave a dimpled smile, "I'm in charge of the main books at L.E.C. for Mr.Lisk, he has me keeping the funds in check and all the accounting work, though I'm not the only one in the department I am in charge of it," Julain explains his with a faint nearly unnoticeable accident clinging to his words.

Aiden internally flinches at the name of their boss, his skin heating up as images of their time together filter through his thoughts like a glitchy movie from centuries ago.

"So you're good with numbers?" Aiden questions, pushing away his inner fight, trying his best to seem at least somewhat interested in what the blonde man had to say about his profession.

Conversations continued to flow seamlessly around the table, even a few laughs here and there which was something that hadn't been a thing in more years than Aiden would be happy to admit, he had Kassity over often but this felt different to the two that shared blood.

The feeling left a warmness in their chests.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Aiden," Julian says, offering his hand again, receiving the teen in return with a soft smile.

"You too," the teen agrees, going to take his  hand back but instead gets pulled closer and since his mother was in the bathroom there was no one to witness the sudden action, "Missy doesn't know about your little trips to the company while she was away and she won't hear it from me, but I do hope you'll be careful little one," Julian coos out in a whisper to the teen, sending unwanted chills through his bones.

Not being able to form any words the boy hastily nods before being released moments before his mother returns to the dining room, "Well it was great having you over Julain, see you tomorrow," she beams, picking up the plates and taking them to the kitchen.

"Thanks for having me," the man calls before seeing himself out, being sure to send the now shaken up boy a wink.

The sounds of the front door shutting only work slightly in calming the teen as he makes his way to the stairs, "I'm going to go up for the night, good night mom," he manages without giving away his unsteadiness.

"Okay, good night," she calls back finishing up the cleaning.

Safely back in his bedroom, Aiden paces the space from his dresser to his closet doors, racking his mind for possible scenarios that could go down should his mother learn of what happened in her absence.

She could completely flip out or just simply ask why in a mature manner, even though her finding out it was the least desired scenario to happen and it's worked out so far.

Though there was the lingering risk of someone from the company having a distaste for the CEO and exposing to the media of the suspicious activity and that would also lead to Missy finding out.

 Another thing against the pair was the phone records.

If an investigation happens and those are looked into Blake would be ruined by his career and family, not to mention his possible future wife, the man would likely be locked up due to the pictures and messages that had once been exchanged between the lovers.

Letting out a tired sigh, the boy's eyes flutter to the cell that lays neglected on the floor near the foot of his bed, with his mother back in town he barely paid the thing any mind, taking it to and from school but never bothering to actually power it on and check anything, a bad habit he always kinda had to a certain extent.

Sitting on the carpeted floor the boy picked up the device that felt heavier than it actually was, holding the power button until the screen light up, slowly coming to life.

His home screen pops up, a simple picture of a blue tone cityscape, and one by one notification start popping up.

Stats from his social media, missed calls, news reports, spam, and a few text messages though his heart stops when one specific word caught his dark brown eyes.

The words 'Sir three messages' teasingly sitting at the tippy top of the screen, begging for the teen to tap and reveal their contents.

Instead, he goes for every other notification he could, working through all the unseen updates before he ran out of anything else but the man to deal with.

There was always the option to delete the messages and never look back but the regret would set in the second he hits delete, so he closes his eyes and opens the messages waiting what felt like forever building up the courage to crack his eyes open.

The first message is dated to the day he's dumped the news about the family dinner, though it simply read, 'i'm coming over' which he indeed did do, meaning he was probably planning on dumping the announcement anyways that day, or he'd been worried about not being able to get ahold of the boy.

The second message from three days after the first was a few lines long and Aiden had to read it over a few times to fully absorb what it said 'i'm sorry I just dropped the engagement on you. I didn't know how to do it so I wanted to do it as simple and as soon as possible. I know I hurt you Aiden, but please understand I have my future and family to worry about, it was going to end anyway, I'm deeply sorry.'

The teen could practically hear Blake reading out the words in his head, the man's deep soothing voice sounding serious and soft, though no empathy could be felt through the message, even if it was intended to be there.

His eyes began to grow glossy but nothing escaped down his cheeks as he moved on the last one that was only surprisingly a few hours old 'i know you probably don't want to but can we please meet up, I want to talk. please Aiden' it read.

~omfg, I updated twice in one day. but I felt inspired and wanted to write it and was thinking of not posting it for a few days but i guess i can be a nice and did it now~

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