Chapter 6

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Johnny's POV

A/N Music indicated by <>

I felt so bad for Kenzie. I don't want her to have to go back home. We need to make sure our parents never find out. I think I've found the love of my life. It's only 8:30pm so we have plenty of time. We were still holding hands while laying  on the bed when I got a text.

-Text Convo-

Carson: Sup. I think I might bring Lauren home between 11:30 and 12:00. Is that ok?

Me: Yep. Don't have to much fun and if she starts to have a panic attack do you know what to do?

Carson: Ya. Thanks bro.

Me: Anytime.

-End of Text-

"Well Kenz, it looks like we have the whole house to ourselves for the rest of the night just like we thogut."


"Carson just texted me saying they will be home between 11:30 and 12:00."

"Oh okay."

"So what do you wanna do?"

"Hmm. I don't know."

"What's your favorite song?"

"Umm, I Wanna Know by NOTD and bea Miller, why?"

"K. You are gonna make a music video and I will record it. You will sing that song."

"Umm, ok."

I had her start by sitting at a desk. We put my computer there and had Spotify up with the song on it. The camera focused on the computer until she pressed play. Then it switched angles to in front of her. She started singing and she was a complete natural. She knows all the lyrics by heart which was a good thing.

<Is she the one?
The one you've been waiting for?
Is she the one?
Is she the one?
The one you've been dreaming of?
Is she the one?>

We shot the whole song like this. Then we went into my room to do this again. 

"Okay so do you want to change outfits?"

"Sure. I want it to match the lyrics of the song for the second part."


I went into my closet and pulled out my favorite shirt and tossed it to her.

"Oh thanks."

She went into my closet and changed into the shirt keeping on her shorts. The shirt looked like a dress on her but she still looked good. She climbed on the bed and sat up straight with her left leg bent laying on the floor, her knee facing the wall. Her right leg was bent in a 45 degree angle, her knee facing the ceiling. We did the same thing. We were definetly using this for the part that goes

<I'm tired of staying up all night with you on my mind.
Still I'm laying here
Yeah, I'm laying in the shirt you used to like
No, I shouldn't mind
All I think about is>

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