Chapter 2 - Xander

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"So why" I spoke. Venom spurring in my words. Jester really liked to push my limits. A slight cough came from the man; capturing, intriguing my interest. The damn fool knew how to bring me to the brink of insanity.

His shoulders lurched forward, part of his collarbone poking through his tight shirt. The man was skinny, almost too skinny, but the man sure had strength. He smirked, a glare resting in his orange eyes.

"Why? You should be saying thank you! I saved from a loveless marriage just so you could find your mate. Aren't you happy?" Jester spoke, rising and lowering his voice at different intervals. I shifted uncomfortably in my spot against the wall. I did owe him a thank you for breaking up the engagement. Don't get me wrong, she was a nice girl, but not who I wanted to marry. I shrugged my shoulders, walking over to the spiral chair next to him. I took a seat loosening the tie that was holding a grip on my neck. I sighed.

"Thank you, Jester. Now get the hell out of here," I spoke a slight smirk rising on my face. He grinned widely, getting up and sashaying away. He looked one more time before shutting the solid oak door.

A puff of air escaped my mouth, causing me to roll up the sleeves of my button up. I glanced at the new set of numbers on my wrist; eleven. Damn, the numbers don't seem to fade. No matter how many times I wash.

I walked out of the room; making a confident stride towards and down the stairs. The soft sound of Mozart can be heard being played on the violin. The further I went down the more I could see the faint outline of my younger sister, Magdeline playing the notes perfectly. My mother, sitting on one of many ottomans, watched intently; giving a smile of encouragement to the sixteen-year-old. Her music was lovely.

"Xander, do not just stare, take a seat deary," Mother said, patting the spot next to her. I walked through the wide archway, taking a seat on the padded ottoman next to her. My mother was still radiating a sense of youth. She only had faint smile lines and not even a wisp of wrinkles. Being a hundred and fifteen never seemed to hit her. She was beaming. Magdeline finished her piece, giving a smirk in the process. She looked at me carelessly.

"My older brother finally comes down to spend time with his beloved family, shocking," Magdeline spoke a little harsh. Mother got up and smacked the back of her head. Magdeline rubbed the back of her head from the impact.

"Do not speak of your brother in that way," she said in a tone of anger. She regained her composure, clasping her hands in front of her. She began to speak more calmly."Today will be your first day of high school, now this is an all allowed public school so I don't have a doubt you won't find a few vampires lurking in the halls. So chop chop we have to get moving."

I sighed grabbing my school bag from the other high school. This is the fiftieth high school I've been to, they're all the same. Rather rude humans pulling locker pranks and mean taunting to try to get under your skin. The feeling of snapping building up to the point where you have to punch. Then you get expelled because you're a vampire and you could have made a difference. Pathetic.

Needless to say is that my mother should've homeschooled me. It would have saved my track record. We loaded into the 1920's Chevrolet and drove down the rocky road. My family is high class. We are a race that can not burn in the sun. It is a gift, but with pale skin the sun can get agitating, causing light rashes to appear. Sunblock is used a lot in our family. The road came into view as we made a turn onto Case Street. The road led down to Casen Fall High. We pulled up to the drop off line, my mother exiting the car to open up the creaking doors. I looked out to see vampires sporting umbrellas and witches casting light magic. The werewolves hanging around their own pack.

"Come along Xander, I would not like you to be late to homeroom. It's your first day," Mother spoke lightly. She gave me and Magdeline a hug before driving away in the Chevrolet.

I walked down the sidewalk towards the main gates. I have been sitting in the gazebo, filled with overgrown plants intertwining with the structure. The thought of a new high school was nevertheless the same as my thoughts on the last schools. The bell rang like church bells, signifying the start of school. People were rushing from their designated spots to the front doors leading to the lockers. I sighed continuing to walk towards the herd.

A small body rammed into my back. A large thud could be heard from behind me. I turned around to see a girl clutching her nose.

"Oww, sorry, bout that, I tend to rush when I'm late, " she muttered, still clutching her nose. A copy of Moby Dick laid on the floor next to her. She clasped it in her hand, trying to get up. I grabbed the book, using my other had to grasp hers. The contact sent a volt of electricity through my body. My eyes stared into hers, giving me a sense of what is happening. Her mouth gaped open, telling me that she felt the bolt too. I looked at her wrist seeing the black numbers etched on her skin. Eleven. The font looked identical to mine. So this is it, a human, a fucking human is my, is my...


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