Prologue - Part Two

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Present Day
"Nuevo, may I come in," The undermined man said behind the dark oak door. The vintage wallpaper in the room was starting to fade, the walls adorned with lit tapered candles. On the far side of the oak door, a desk laid in the corner, turned enough for a bulky man to walk through. Papers rested messily all over the surface of the desk, many different contracts, and legal documents; pictures of young purebloods with red x's on them. How many were there? One-hundred maybe.

Nuevo stood up violently, knocking papers off of his mahogany desk. He bit the tip of his finger in frustration, light prickles of blood dripping onto the many papers. Unfazed, Nuevo's deep and raspy voice seemed to boom a muttered, "Come in."

The door cracked open a sliver, a young man coming through the small crack. He was stick thin, with orange eyes and brown hair. His kneecaps buckled as he stared at the disarray the room was in. Nervous beads of sweat were forming near his hairline. Nervous was an understatement, but; despite the man's nervousness; he strode confidently towards the chair rested on the floor. He picked it up, placing it upwards so that he could sit in it. Nuevo watched his every move, making sure not to miss any little detail of what the boy had to say.

"Jester, why are you here?" Nuevo spoke quietly, only loud enough for Jester to hear. Jester's hands fidgeted, his eyes still holding the confidence. Reluctantly, he opened his mouth.

"The Maryles', they broke the deal," Jester's voice spoke through Nuevo. Nuevo rested his hand on his chin, fuming. He paced back and forth, back and forth thinking; what am I missing?

The deal was broken, and he couldn't see why. The Maryles wanted a pure bloodline from the beginning. Their daughter was lovely; blonde hair and perfect eyes, no doubt a great fit for his son.

"Why," Nuevo's voice boomed through the room. His grey eyes gave a cold stare at the man. Nuevo was testing him, trying to calculate his every move, action, and speech. Jester only had a few options to break news.
"They didn't want the Fellows to come after them, knowing that they have been after you for years," He finally gasped out, a feeling of relief leaving his chest. Nuevo was fuming. His hands running through his black mop of hair furiously.

"You mean to tell me, the only reason that the Maryles broke our deal was because of the reckless no-minded Fellows family," Nuevo said loudly. He couldn't seem to piece it together, this thought in the back of his mind was telling him something was missing.

Jester turned his gaze towards the planked flooring, laminated and sealed. The silence was becoming unbearable, as Jester raised his head to speak.

"Yes, nothing more, sir," Jester croaked, gulping horrendously loud; louder than it should have been. The words were shaky, not very confident but, strong. It wasn't very convincing. Nuveo's hand waved him off walking away from the quivering boy.

"You may leave," Nuevo said. Jester scrambled out of his seat, making his way towards the door conveniently close to his chair.

The door slammed shut, leaving Nuevo in a fit of pity. He sat down on the antique resting chair in front of the burning fireplace. Embers flickering in the dancing flame as the slight crackle of wood burning filled the silence. The cool May air coming from the cracked windowsill soothed Nuevo, reminding him of England as sharp, winded howls came from the night. A full moon. He could never quite understand how the forest, being such a mucky rocky marsh, give peace to a man. After 945 years, he still hasn't managed to figure it out.

Behind the velvet curtains, was another young man. Seventeen which will then be eighteen in a short twelve days. His black hair was a bundle of luscious curls laid on top of his head. He had on a cashmere suit, black, and underneath a white button-up. His scruff of a beard made him look older, as his red eyes glistened in the moonlight. He pushed his way through the curtains silently, as he walked towards the identical resting chair opposite of Nuevo.

"Father," the young man said, his jaw locking in place. Nuevo looked up and gave a cold stare at his only son. The young man then too returned the glare. He felt threatened, out of control. Nuevo returned his gaze towards the fire, clasping his hands together in a fit.

"Xander," Nuevo's icy tone emitted through parted lips, "Sit down."

Xander, brushing off his father's odd behavior, sat down. His leg crossed over his knee, his right leg now facing away from his father. They both stared at the fire for a moment, both intently started by at the flames. Nuevo was first to speak.

"I want to make a deal," Nuevo spoke darkly. He looked towards his son, eyes glazed in a fiery stance. Xander was shocked, never in his life did he ever make a deal with his father. Nuevo began to speak after a short time."You will have the rest of your days to find your mate. If not, then you will marry who I find best suited."

Xander weighed his options. This was a rare opportunity to miss, this was a chance for him to find someone he actually loved. Xander held out his hand, his father clasping it with his other as they took one shakedown.


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