Chapter 4 - Harper

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"I think that's enough, Macy," the guy from earlier spoke. A sheer sense of brooding came off of him. Macy removed her hand clutched in his hand. She gave a light scoff, crossing her arms under breasts. She pushed her arms up a little, then clutched her elbows together to give her some cleavage. A pang of hurt went coursing through my body. Was this jealousy?

"Xander, Xander, Xander. Always getting in the middle of my problems. You keep acting like this you'll have to take me out again," Macy spoke clearly noticing my uncomfortable aura. I shifted my body slightly backward. I looked back to see Ava wipe her tear stained face. I want to leave. Xander stood up a little straighter, fixing the collar of his button up. He looked my way then back towards Macy.

"Macy, the deal was broken. This was never going to happen," Xander spoke coldly. He looked back my way, giving me a half smile. Macy dropped her arms, mouth gaped at the thought of rejection.

Macy seemed offended, clearly taken aback from Xander's words. She rolled her eyes, looking back towards her idiot friends; I think their names were Fraisa and Flair; and back towards Ava. She laughed along with her friends and opened her mouth to say something. Before she could hurt Ava more. I picked her up and guided her over to Sickle's pack. With her settled in, Sickle walked over with me back to where Xander was, but the girls were gone. Xander looked back, shooting me a flashy smile towards my way. I rolled my eyes while frowning a little bit. Sickle leaned over to whisper (but not whisper) a few words.

"Harper-Jean, you walked away from that," Sickle practically yelled in my ear. I rubbed my ear. I think I've gone deaf. Sickle snapped his fingers before extending his hand towards Xander."Hiya, my names Sickle. I'm one of Harper-Jean's closest friends. And boy, let me tell you, you look like a snack." Oh my god.

"Let's just go you doof," I spoke lightly, tugging on Sickle's cardigan. He gave an 'ugh fine look' and started walking away with me. I felt a tug at my shirt, knowing exactly who it was. I turned around seeing the dashing man stand over me. A slight pang began in my chest. The most as I wanted to fight it, I couldn't. He scooted in closer our bodies touching slightly. The pang started to become faster. I didn't want a mate. My parents would kill him, the people will stare, I would be kicked out of my own family; just like Mason.

"Harper-Jean," a husky voice whispered in my ear. Shivers were trickling down my spine, each little tingle giving me a sense of euphoria. Did someone hide weed in that peanut butter sandwich I ate in 2nd period? I could smell the scent of his intoxicating cologne. He smelt so sweet. I had to snap out of my daze. I will not have a mate. I can't do this to my family. I pulled away from his grasp violently. I looked into his eyes. He seemed hurt, like a part of him was tearing apart slowly. A tear threatened to escape my eyes, as I wiped my hand across my cheek.

"Excuse me," I croaked out, running out of the cafeteria. I ignored the calls from my friends and blocked out the world. My life had just turned to pieces in a matter of minutes.

The rest of the school day went by fast. Me slipping away from the studies to try and figure out my life. The numbers on my wrist started to turn white, leaving it in a variety of different grays. I tried to piece together all that has happened, sitting in the tranquil forest. The sound of wild animals and birds chirping in a harmonious tone. The river by my side, flowing, gave a light swoosh sound. Peaceful.

The trees blew in the wind, leaving green leaves to fall gracefully. The thought of having a mate left me to the gutters. I was more shocked than anything. I could still smell the scent of his cologne, so sweet smelling and his shiny black curls. His eyes so glazed and seem to give off a convincing sense of care. But deep in there, something was hurting, I'm hooked. I shouldn't have run away, but I can't wrap my head around it. Why? Why have I fallen into this mess?

I got up, grabbing my school bag and heading towards the dirt path leading out of the forest. I needed to make it home before dinner. The wind was blowing a little faster. The light swooshes beginning to sound like howls and the tweeting birds no longer chirping. Giving a sense of something not being right I picked up my pace, being on guard of my surroundings. I could hear a faint patter following from behind. I picked up more pace, the spoons getter closer and more frequent. The rage of fear kept rising as now I started to run. I ran out of the forest and towards my home. The sound of someone following me stopped, as I heard a faint hiss. I kept running towards my home. I walked onto the front porch, opening the door with a spare key I kept in my shirt. I walked in being greeted by the bubbly toddler. He's so sweet.

"Harper, Harper," he spoke mispronouncing the r's in my name. I picked him up giving him a tight bear hug. Whoever was following me had a great deal to be coming into this family. My mother sat in the kitchen, sharpening my daggers and polishing my guns. Confused I walked into the room, my mother noticing my presence immediately.

"Harper-Jean, set down your brother and come with me," she spoke, a slight smile appearing on her lips. I set down Adrian, shooting him off to go play with his figurines of DC superheroes. She grabbed one of my guns. I followed her down the basement stairs, wondering why the hell I'm going into the dreary basement. The concrete floor was covered in a dried substance. The room was filled with light instantly. An old man was tied to a spare wooden dining chair, sitting in the center of the room. Blood was pouring down from his mouth and nose, and part of his fibula was punctured through his skin. His gray hair having a light shine. My mother handed me the gun and gave me words I never wanted to hear.

"Aim for the head."

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